The Historie.
503484No, yet time
serues, wherein you may redeeme
504485Your bani
sht honors, and re
store your
505486Into the good thoughts of the world againe:
506487Reuenge the ieering and di
sdaind contempt
507488Of this proud king, who
studies day and night
508489To an
swere all the debt he owes to you,
509490Euen with the bloudie paiment of your deaths:
511492Wor. Peace coo
say no more.
512493And now I will vncla
spe a
secret booke,
513494And to your quicke conceiuing di
514495Ile reade you matter deepe and daungerous,
515496As full of perill and aduenterous
516497As to orewalke a Current roring lowd,
517498On the vn
st footing of a
518499Hot. If he fall in, god-night, or
sinke, or
519500Send danger from the Ea
st vnto the We
520501So honor cro
sse it, from the North to South,
521502And let them grapple: O the bloud more
522503To rou
se a lyon than to
start a hare.
523504North. Imagination of
some great exploit
524505Driues him beyond the bounds of patience.
525506By heauen me thinkes it were an ea
sie leape,
526507To plucke bright honour from the palefac'd moone,
527508Or diue into the bottome of the deepe,
528509Where fadome line could neuer touch the ground,
529510And plucke vp drowned honour by the locks,
530511So he that doth redeeme her thence might weare
531512Without corriuall all her dignities,
532513But out vpon this halfe fac't fellow
533514Wor. He apprehends a world of
figures here,
534515But not the forme of what he
should attend,
535516Good coo
sen giue me audience for a while.
538518Wor. Tho
same noble Scots that are your pri
540519Hot. Ile keepe them all;
541520By God he
shall not haue a Scot of them,
542521No, if a Scot would
saue his
soule he
shall not.