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  • Title: Henry IV, Part 1 (Quarto 1, 1598)
  • Editor: Rosemary Gaby
  • ISBN: 978-1-55058-371-7

    Copyright Rosemary Gaby. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Editor: Rosemary Gaby
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Henry IV, Part 1 (Quarto 1, 1598)

    Enter a Carrier with a lanterne in his hand
    6351 Car. Heigh ho. An it be not foure by the day ile be hangd,
    Charles waine is ouer the new Chimney, and yet our horse not
    packt. What Ostler.
    Ost. Anon, anon.
    1 Car. I preethe Tom beat Cuts saddle, put a few flockes in
    640the point, poore iade is wroong in the withers, out of all cesse.
    Enter another Carier.
    2 Car. Pease and beanes are as danke here as a dog, and that
    is the next way to giue poore iades the bots: this house is turned
    645vpside downe since Robin Ostler died.
    1 Car. Poore fellow neuer ioied since the prise of Oates rose,
    it was the death of him.
    2 Car. I thinke this be the most villainons house in al London
    650road for fleas, I am stung like a Tench.
    1 Car. Like a Tench, by the Masse there is nere a King chri-
    sten could be better bit then I haue bin since the first cocke.
    2 Car. Why they will allowe vs nere a Iordane, and then we
    655leake in your chimney, and your chamber-lie breedes fleas like
    a loach.
    1 Car. What Ostler, come away and be hangd, come away.
    2 Car. I haue a gammon of bacon, and two razes of Gin-
    660ger, to be deliuered as far as Charing crosse.
    1 Car Gods bodie, the Turkies in my Panier are quite star-
    ued: what Ostler? a plague on thee, hast thou neuer an eie in thy
    head? canst not heare, and twere not as good deede as drinke to
    C2 break
    The history
    break the pate on thee, I am a very villaine, come and be hangd,
    665hast no faith in thee?
    Enter Gadshill.
    Gadshill. Good morrow Cariers, whats a clocke?
    Car. I thinke it be two a clocke.
    Gad. I prethe lend me thy lanterne, to see my gelding in the
    1 Car. Nay by God soft, I knowe a tricke worth two of that
    I faith.
    Gad. I pray thee lend me thine.
    2 Car. I when canst tell? lend me thy lanterne (quoth he) mar-
    675ry ile see thee hangd first.
    Gad. Sirrha Carrier, what time doe you meane to come to
    2 Car. Time enough to go to bed with a candle, I warrant
    thee, come neighbour Mugs, weele call vp the Gentlemen,
    680they will along with company, for they haue great charge.
    Enter Chamberlaine. Exeunt.
    Gad. What ho: Chamberlaine.
    Cham. At hand quoth pickepurse.
    685Gad. Thats euen as faire as at hand quoth the Chamberlaine:
    for thou variest no more from picking of purses, then giuing di-
    rection doth from labouring: thou laiest the plot how.
    Cham. Good morrow maister Gadshill, it holdes currant that
    690I tolde you yesternight, ther's a Frankelin in the wilde of Kent
    hath brought three hundred Markes with him in golde, I heard
    him tell it to one of his company last night at supper, a kinde of
    Auditor, one that hath abundance of charge too, God knowes
    what, they are vp already, and cal for Egges and butter, they wil
    695away presently.
    Gad. Sirrha, if they meete not with Saint Nicholas clearkes,
    ile giue thee this necke.
    Cham. No, ile none of it, I pray thee keepe that for the hang-
    700man, for I know thou worshippest Saint Nicholas, as trulie as
    a man of falshood may.
    Ga. What talkest thou to me of the hãgman? if I hang, ile make
    a fat paire of Gallowes: for if I hang, olde sir Iohn hangs with
    me, and thou knowest hee is no starueling: tut, there are other
    of Henrie the fourth.
    705Troians that thou dreamst not of, the which for sport sake are
    content to do the profession, some grace, that would (if matters
    should be lookt into) for their owne credit sake make all whole.
    I am ioyned with no footlande rakers, no long-staffe sixpennie
    710strikers, none of these mad mustachio purplehewd maltworms,
    but with nobilitie, and tranquilitie, Burgomasters and great
    Oneyres, such as can hold in such as wil strike sooner then speak,
    and speake sooner then drinke, and drinke sooner then pray, and
    yet (zoundes) I lie, for they pray continuallie to their Saint the
    715Common-wealth, or rather not pray to her, but pray on her, for
    they ride vp and downe on her, and make her their bootes.
    Cham. What, the Common-wealth their bootes? will shee
    hold out water in foule way?
    720Gad. She will, she will, Iustice hath liquord her: we steale as
    in a Castell cocksure: wee haue the receyte of Ferneseede, wee
    walke inuisible.
    Cham. Nay by my fayth, I thinke you are more beholding to
    the night then to Ferneseed, for your walking inuisible.
    Gad. Giue mee thy hand, thou shalt haue a share in our pur-
    chase, as I am a true man.
    Cham. Nay rather let me haue it, as you are a false theefe.
    Gad. Go to, homo is a common name to al men: bid the Ostler
    bring my gelding out of the stable, farewel you muddy knaue.