The history
12591166Prin. Faith tell me now in earne
st, how came Fal
12611168Peto. Why, he hackt it with his dagger, and
said hee woulde
12621169sweare truth out of England, but hee would make you beleeue
12631170it was done in
fight, and per
swaded vs to do the like.
12651171Bar. Yea, and to tickle our no
ses with
sse, to make
12661172them bleed, and then to be
slubber our garments with it, and
12671173sweare it was the blood of true men. I did that I did not this
- 12681174uen yeare before, I blu
sht to heare his mon
strous deuices.
12701175Prin. O villaine, thou
st a cup of Sacke eighteene yeares
12711176ago, and wert taken with the maner, and euer
since thou ha
st 12721177blu
sht extempore, thou had
st fire and
sword on thy
side, and yet
12731178thou ran
st away, what in
ct had
st thou for it?
12751179Bar. My Lord do you
see the
se meteors? do you behold the
12781181Bar. What thinke you they portend?
12791182Prin. Hot liuers, and cold pur
12801183Bar. Choler, my Lord, if rightly taken.
12811185Prin. No if rightly taken halter. Here commes leane iacke, here
12831186commes bare bone: how now my
sweete creature of bumba
12841187how long i
st ago iacke
since thou
st thine owne knee?
12861188Fal. My owne knee, when I was about thy yeares (Hall) I was
12871189not an Eagles talent in the wa
ste, I could haue crept into anie
12881190Aldermans thumbe ring: a plague of
sighing and grief, it blowes
12891191a man vp like a bladder. Thers villainous newes abroade, heere
sir Iohn Bracy, from your father: you mu
st to the court in
12921193the morning. That
same mad fellow of the North Percie, and
12931194he of Wales that gaue Amamon the ba
stinado, and made Luci
- 12941195fer cuckold, and
swore the diuel his true liegeman vpõ the cro
12951196of a Wel
sh hooke: what a plague call you him?
12981198Falst. Owen, Owen, the
same, and his
sonne in lawe Morti
- 12991199mer, and olde Northumberland, and that
sprightly Scot of
13001200Scottes, Dowglas, that runnes a hor
sebacke vp a hill perpendi
- 13021202Prin. He that rides at high
speede, and with his pi
stoll killes a