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  • Title: Henry IV, Part 1 (Quarto 1, 1598)
  • Editor: Rosemary Gaby
  • ISBN: 978-1-55058-371-7

    Copyright Rosemary Gaby. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Editor: Rosemary Gaby
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Henry IV, Part 1 (Quarto 1, 1598)

    The history
    And comes not in ouerrulde by prophecies,
    I feare the power of Percy is too weake
    To wage an instant triall with the king.
    Sir M. Why my good Lord, you need not feare,
    2610There is Douglas, and Lord Mortimer.
    Arch. No, Mortimer is not there.
    Sir M. But there is Mordake, Vernon, Lord Harry Percy.
    And there is my Lord of Worcester, and a head
    Of gallant warriours, noble gentlemen.
    Arch. And so there is: but yet the king hath drawn
    The speciall head of all the land togither,
    The Prince of Wales, Lord Iohn of Lancaster,
    The noble Westmerland, and warlike Blunt,
    2620And many mo coriuals and deare men
    Of estimation and command in armes.
    Sir M. Doubt not my Lo: they shalbe wel oppos'd.
    Arch. I hope no lesse, yet needfull tis to feare,
    And to preuent the worst, sir Mighell speed:
    2625For if Lord Percy thriue not ere the king
    Dismisse his power, he meanes to visit vs,
    For he hath heard of our confederacy,
    And tis but wisedome to make strong against him,
    Therefore make haste, I must go write againe
    2630To other friends, and so farewell sir Mighel.
    Enter King, Prince of Wales, Lord Iohn of Lancaster, Earle of
    Westmerland, sir Walter Blunt, Falstalffe.
    2635King. How bloudily the sunne begins to peare
    Aboue yon bulky hill, the day lookes pale
    At his distemprature.
    Prin. The Southren winde
    Doth play the trumpet to his purposes,
    2640And by his hollow whistling in the leaues
    Foretels a tempest and a blustring day.
    Kin. Then with the loosers let it simpathize,
    For nothing can seeme foule to those that winne.
    The trumpet sounds. Enter Worcester
    King. How now my Lord of Worcester, tis not wel,
    That you and I should meet vpon such tearmes