The history
664636break the pate on thee, I am a very villaine, come and be hangd,
667639Gadshill. Good morrow Cariers, whats a clocke?
668640Car. I thinke it be two a clocke.
669641Gad. I prethe lend me thy lanterne, to
see my gelding in the
6716431 Car. Nay by God
soft, I knowe a tricke worth two of that
673645Gad. I pray thee lend me thine.
6746462 Car. I when can
st tell? lend me thy lanterne (quoth he) mar
- 675647ry ile
see thee hangd
676648Gad. Sirrha Carrier, what time doe you meane to come to
6786502 Car. Time enough to go to bed with a candle, I warrant
679651thee, come neighbour Mugs, weele call vp the Gentlemen,
680652they will along with company, for they haue great charge.
682653Enter Chamberlaine. Exeunt. 683654Gad. What ho: Chamberlaine.
684655Cham. At hand quoth pickepur
685656Gad. Thats euen as faire as at hand quoth the Chamberlaine:
686657for thou varie
st no more from picking of pur
ses, then giuing di
- 687658re
ction doth from labouring: thou laie
st the plot how.
689659Cham. Good morrow mai
ster Gad
shill, it holdes currant that
690660I tolde you ye
sternight, ther's a Frankelin in the wilde of Kent
691661hath brought three hundred Markes with him in golde, I heard
692662him tell it to one of his company la
st night at
supper, a kinde of
693663Auditor, one that hath abundance of charge too, God knowes
694664what, they are vp already, and cal for Egges and butter, they wil
697666Gad. Sirrha, if they meete not with Saint Nicholas clearkes,
698667ile giue thee this necke.
699668Cham. No, ile none of it, I pray thee keepe that for the hang
- 700669man, for I know thou wor
st Saint Nicholas, as trulie as
702671Ga. What talke
st thou to me of the hãgman? if I hang, ile make
703672a fat paire of Gallowes: for if I hang, olde
sir Iohn hangs with
704673me, and thou knowe
st hee is no
starueling: tut, there are other