The Historie
270256Prin. How
shall we part with them in
setting forth?
271257Po. Why, we wil
set forth before or after them, and appoint
272258them a place of meeting, wherein it is at our plea
sure to faile;
273259and then wil they aduenture vpõ the exploit them
selues, which
shal haue no
sooner atchieued but weele
set vpon them.
276261Prin. Yea, but tis like that they wil know vs by our hor
ses, by
277262our habits, and by euery other appointment to be our
279263Po. Tut, our hor
ses they
shal not
see, ile tie them in the wood,
280264our vizards wee wil change after wee leaue them: and
sirrha, I
281265haue ca
ses of Buckrom for the nonce, to imma
ske our noted
283267Prin. Yea, but I doubt they wil be too hard for vs.
284268Po. Wel, for two of them, I know them to bee as true bred
285269cowards as euer turnd backe: and for the third, if he
fight longer
286270then he
sees rea
son, ile for
sweare armes. The vertue of this iea
st 287271wil be the incomprehen
sible lies, that this
same fat rogue wil tel
288272vs when we meet at
supper, how thirtie at lea
st he fought with,
289273what wardes, what blowes, what extremities he indured, and in
290274the reproofe of this liues the ie
292275Prin. Well, ile goe with thee, prouide vs all thinges nece
s- 293276sarie, and meete me to morrow night in Ea
stcheape, there ile
Exit Poines.
296279Prin. I know you all, and wil a while vphold
297280The vnyokt humour of your idlenes,
298281Yet herein wil I imitate the
299282Who doth permit the ba
se contagious clouds
smother vp his beautie from the world,
301284That when he plea
se againe to be him
302285Being wanted he may be more wondred at
303286By breaking through the foule and ougly mi
304287Of vapours, that did
seeme to
strangle him.
305288If all the yeere were playing holly-dayes,
sport would be as tedious as to worke;
307290But when they
seldome come, they wi
sht for come,
308291And nothing plea
seth but rare accidents:
309292So when this loo
se behauiour I throw o
310293And pay the debt I neuer promi