236221Cost. It may be
so: but if he
say it is
so, he is in telling true:
239224Clow. Be to me, and euerie man that dares not
241226Clow. Of other mens
secrets I be
seech you.
242227Ferd. So it is besedged with sable coloured melancholie, I did 243228 commende the blacke oppressing humour to the most holsome phisicke 244229of thy health-geuing ayre: And as I am a Gentleman, betooke my 245230selfe to walke: the time When? about the sixt houre, When Beastes 246231most grase, Birdes best peck, and Men sit downe to that nourishment 247232which is called Supper: So much for the time When. Now for the 248233ground Which? which I meane I walkt vpon, it is ycliped Thy Park.
249234Then for the place Where? where I meane, I did incounter that ob- 250235seene & most propostrous euent that draweth frõ my snowhite pen the 252236ebon coloured Incke, which here thou viewest, beholdest, suruayest, or 253237seest. But to the place Where? It standeth North North-east & by 254238East from the West corner of thy curious knotted garden; There 255239did I see that low spirited Swaine, that base Minow of thy myrth,
256240(Clowne. Mee?)
that vnlettered smal knowing soule,
(Clow. Mee?)
257241that shallow vassall (Clown. Still mee.)
which as I remember,
258242hight Co
(Clow. O mee)
sorted and consorted contrary to 259243thy established proclaymed Edict and continent Cannon: Which 261244with, ô
with, but with this I passion to say wherewith: With a childe of our Grandmother Eue, a female; or for thy
264247more sweete vnderstanding a Woman: him, I (as my euer esteemed 265248duetie prickes me on) haue sent to thee, to receiue the meede of pu- 266249nishment by thy sweete Graces Officer Anthonie Dull
, a man of 267250good reput, carriage bearing, and estimation.
268251Antho. Me ant
shall plea
se you? I am
Anthony Dull.
For Iaquenetta (so is the weaker vessell called) vvhich I
270253apprehended with the aforesayd Swaine, I keepe her as a vessell of 271254thy Lawes furie, and shall at the least of thy sweete notice, bring 272255hir to tryall. Thine in all complements of deuoted and hartburning Ber.