192184Enter a Constable with Costard with a letter.
193185Constab. Which is the Dukes owne per
194186Ber. This fellow, What would'
195187Const. I my
selfe reprehend his owne per
son, for I am his
196188graces Farborough: But I would
see his owne per
199191Const. Signeour
Arme Arme commendes you:
200192Ther's villanie abrod, this letter will tell you more.
201193Clowne. Sir the Contempls thereof are as touching me.
203194Fer. A letter from the magni
204195Bero. How low
so euer the matter, I hope in God for high
(words. 206196Lon. A high hope for a low heauen. God grant vs patience
208197Ber. To heare, or forbeare hearing.
209198Lon. To heare meekely
sir, and to laugh moderatly, or
211200Bero. Well
sir, be it as the
shall giue vs cau
se to clime
213202Clow.The matter is to me
sir, as concerning
Iaquenetta: 214203The manner of it is, I was taken with the manner.
216205Clow. In manner and forme folowing
sir all tho
se three.
217206 I was
seene with her in the Manner hou
sitting with her
218207vppon the Forme, and taken following her into the Parke:
219208which put togeather, is in manner and forme following.
sir for the manner, It is the manner of a man to
221210to a woman, for the forme in
some forme.
223211Ber. For the following
224212Clow. As it
shall follow in my corre
ction, and God defend
226214Ferd. Will you heare this Letter with attention
? 227215Bero.As we would heare an Oracle.
228216Clow.Such is the
sinplicitie of man to harken after the
sh GReat Deputie the welkis Vizgerent, and sole dominatur of
my soules earthes God, and bodies fostring patrone: 234219Cost. Not a worde of
Costart yet.