7472Sweare me to this, and I will nere
say no.
7573Ferd. The
se be the
stopps that hinder
studie quit,
7674And traine our intele
cts to vaine delight.
7775Bero. Why? all delightes are vaine, but that mo
st vaine
7876Which with payne purcha
s'd, doth inherite payne,
7977As paynefully to poare vpon a Booke,
seeke the lyght of trueth, while trueth the whyle
8179Doth fal
sely blinde the eye-
sight of his looke:
seeking light, doth light of light beguyle:
8381So ere you
finde where light in darknes lyes,
8482Your light growes darke by loo
sing of your eyes.
8583Studie me how to plea
se the eye in deede,
fixing it vppon a fayrer eye,
8785Who dazling
so, that eye
shalbe his heed,
8886And giue him light that it was blinded by.
8987Studie is lyke the heauens glorious Sunne,
9088That will not be deepe
searcht with
sawcie lookes:
9189Small haue continuall plodders euer wonne,
9290Saue ba
se au
cthoritie from others Bookes.
se earthly Godfathers of heauens lights,
9492That giue a name to euery
fixed Starre,
9593Haue no more pro
fite of their
shyning nights,
9694Then tho
se that walke and wot not what they are.
9795Too much to know, is to know nought but fame:
9896And euery Godfather can giue a name.
9997Ferd. How well hees read to rea
son again
st reading.
10098Dum. Proceeded well, to
stop all good proceeding.
10199Lon. He weedes the corne, &
still lets grow the weeding.
103100Ber. The Spring is neare when greene gee
se are a bree
-(ding. 105101Duma. How followes that?
106102Ber. Fit in his place and tyme.
107103Duma. In rea
son nothing.
108104Bero. Something then in rime.
109105Ferd. Berowne is like an enuious
sneaping Fro
110106That bites the
st borne infants of the Spring.
111107Bero. Well,
say I am, why
should proude Sommer boa
112108Before the Birdes haue any cau
se to
should I ioy in any abhortiue byrth?