318295Arm. How can
st thou part
sadnes and melancholy, my
320297Boy. By a familier demon
stration of the working, my
322299Arma. Why tough
signeor? Why tough
323300Boy. Why tender iuuenall? Why tender iuuenall?
324301Arm. I
spoke it tender iuuenal, as a congruent apethaton
325302apperteining to thy young dayes, which we may nominate
327304Boy. And I tough
signeor, as an appertinent title to your
328305olde time, which we may name tough.
330307Boy. How meane you
sir, I prettie, and my
saying apt?
331308or I apt, and my
saying prettie?
332309Arma. Thou prettie becau
se little.
333310Boy. Little prettie, becau
se little: wherefore apt.
334311Arma. And therfore apt, becau
se quicke.
335312Boy. Speake you this in my prai
se Mai
336313Arma. In thy condigne prai
337314Boy. I will prai
se an Eele with the
same prai
338315Arma. What? that an Eele is ingenious.
339316Boy. That an Eele is quicke.
340317Arma. I do
say thou art quicke in an
sweres. Thou heat
st 343320Arma. I loue not to be cro
344321Boy. He
speakes the meer contrarie, cro
sses loue not him.
345322Ar. I haue promi
sed to
studie three yeeres with the duke.
346323Boy. You may do it in an houre
348325Boy. How many is one thrice tolde?
349326Arm. I am ill at reckning, it
fitteth the
spirit of a Tap
350327Boy. You are a Gentleman and a Gam
351328Arma. I confe
sse both, they are both the varni
sh of a com
- 353330Boy. Then I am
sure you know how much the gro
354331summe of deu
s-ace amountes to.
355332Arm. It doth amount to one more then two.