12451158Enter Iaquenetta and the Clowne. 12461159Iaquenetta God giue you good morrow M. Per
12471160Nath. Mai
ster Per
quasi Per
son? And if one
12491162Clo. Marrie M. Scholema
ster, he that is likle
st to a hogg
s-(head. 12511163Nath. Of per
sing a Hog
shead, a good lu
ster of conceit
12521164in a turph of Earth, Fier enough for a Flint, Pearle enough
12531165for a Swine: tis prettie, it is well.
12541166Iaque. Good M. Par
son be
so good as read me this letter,
12551167it was geuen me by
Costard, and
sent me from
Don Armatho: Facile precor gellida, quando pecas omnia sub vmbra ru-
, and so foorth. Ah good olde Mantuan, I may speake
12591171of thee as the traueiler doth of
Venice, vemchie, vencha, que non 12601172te vnde, que non te perreche. Olde
Mantuan, olde
12611173Who vnder
standeth thee not, loues thee not,
vt re sol la mi fa: 12621174Vnder pardon
sir, What are the contentes? or rather as
Hor- 12631175race sayes in his, What my
soule ver
12651177Nath. Let me heare a
ffe, a
stauze, a ver
Lege domine. If Loue make me forsworne, how shall I sweare to loue?
12681179Ah neuer fayth could hold, yf not to beautie vowed.
12691180Though to my
selfe for
sworne, to thee Ile faythfull proue.
se thoughts to me were Okes, to thee like O
siers bowed
12721182Studie his byas leaues, and makes his booke thine eyes.
12731183Where all tho
se plea
sures liue, that Art would comprehend.
12751184If knowledge be the marke, to know thee
12761185Well learned is that tongue, that well can thee commend.
12771186All ignorant that
soule, that
sees thee without wonder.
12781187Which is to mee
some pray
se, that I thy partes admire,
12791188Thy eie
Ioues lightning beares, thy voyce his dreadful thũder
12811189Which not to anger bent, is mu
sique, and
stiall as thou art, Oh pardon loue this wrong,
singes heauens pray
se, with
such an earthly tong.
12841192Pedan. You
finde not the apo
straphas, and
so mi
sse the
12851193accent. Let me
se the cangenet.
12861194Nath. Here are onely numbers rate
fied, but for the ele
- gancie