356333Boy. Which the ba
se vulgar do call three.
335Boy. Why
sir is this
such a peece of
studie? Now heere is
studied ere yele thrice wincke: and how ea
sie it is to
359337put yeeres to the worde three, and
studie three yeeres in two
360338wordes, the dauncing Hor
se will tell you.
361339Arm. A mo
st fine Figure.
362340Boy. To proue you a Cypher.
363341Arm. I will hereupon confe
sse I am in loue: and as it is
se for a Souldier to loue;
so am I in loue with a ba
se wench.
365343If drawing my Sword again
st the humor of a
ction, would
366344deliuer me from the reprobate thought of it, I would take
sire pri
soner, and ran
some him to anie French Courtier
368346for a new deui
sde cur
sie. I thinke
scorne to
sigh, mee thinks
should out
Cupid. Comfort mee Boy, What great
373350Arm. Mo
st sweete
Hercules: more authoritie deare Boy,
374351name more; and
sweete my childe let them be men of good
376353Boy. Sampson Mai
ster, he was a man of good carriage,
377354great carriage: for he carried the Towne-gates on his backe
378355like a Porter: and he was in loue.
379356Arm. O wel knit
strong ioynted
Sampson; I do excel
380357thee in my rapier, as much as thou did
st me in carying gates.
381358I am in loue too. Who was
Sampsons loue my deare Moth?
384360Arm. Of what complexion?
385361Boy. Of all the foure, or the three, or the two, or one of
387363Arm. Tell me preci
sely of what complexion?
388364Boy. Of the
sea-water Greene
389365Arm. Is that one of the foure complexions?
390366Boy. As I haue read
sir, and the be
st of them too.
391367Arm. Greene in deede is the colour of Louers: but to
392368haue a loue of that colour, mee thinkes
Sampson had
son for it. He
surely a
cted her for her wit.
394370Boy. It was
sir, for
she had a greene wit.