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  • Title: Henry VI, Part 3 (Octavo 1, 1595)

  • Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Henry VI, Part 3 (Octavo 1, 1595)

    Enter Edward, and Richard, and Montague.
    Edw. Brother and cosen Montague, giue mee leaue to
    Rich. Nay, I can better plaie the Orator.
    Mont. But I haue reasons strong and forceable.
    Enter the Duke of Yorke.
    York. Howe nowe sonnes what at a iarre amongst your
    Rich. No father, but a sweete contention, about that
    which concernes your selfe and vs, The crowne of Eng-
    land father.
    320York. The crowne boy, why Henries yet aliue,
    And I haue sworne that he shall raigne in quiet till
    His death.
    Edw. But I would breake an hundred othes to raigne
    one yeare.
    Rich. And if it please your grace to giue me leaue,
    Ile shew your grace the waie to saue your oath,
    And dispossesse king Henrie from the crowne.
    Yorke I prethe Dicke let me heare thy deuise.
    335Rich. Then thus my Lord. An oath is of no moment
    Yorke, and Henrie the Sixt.
    Being not sworne before a lawfull magistrate.
    Henry is none but doth vsurpe your right,
    And yet your grace stands bound to him by oath.
    Then noble father resolue your selfe,
    And once more claime the crowne.
    Yorke I, saist thou so boie? why then it shall be so.
    I am resolude to win the crowne, or die.
    Edward, rhou shalt to Edmund Brooke Lord Cobham,
    With vvhom the Kentishmen vvill vvillinglie rise:
    Thou cosen Montague, shalt to Norffolke straight,
    And bid the Duke to muster vppe his souldiers,
    And come to me to Wakefield presentlie.
    And Richard thou to London strait shalt post,
    350And bid Richard Neuill Earle of Warwike
    To leaue the cittie, and with his men of warre,
    To meete me at Saint Albons ten daies hence.
    My selfe heere in Sandall castell will prouide
    Both men and monie to furder our attempts.
    Now, what newes? Enter a Messenger.
    Mes. My Lord, the Queene with thirtie thousand men,
    365Accompanied with the Earles of Cumberland,
    Northumberland and Westmerland, and others of the
    House of Lancaster, are marching towards Wakefield,
    To besiedge you in your castell heere.
    380 Enter sir Iohn and sir Hugh Mortimer.
    Yorke A Gods name, let them come. Cosen Monta-
    gue post you hence: and boies staie you with me.
    Sir Iohn and sir Hugh Mortemers mine vncles,
    The Tragedie of Richard D. of
    Your welcome to Sandall in an happie houre,
    The armie of the Queene meanes to besiedge vs.
    Sir Iohn. Shee shall not neede my Lorde, weele meete
    385her in the field.
    York What with fiue thousand souldiers vncle?
    Rich. I father, with fiue hundred for a need,
    A womans generall, what should you feare?
    395York. Indeed, manie braue battels haue I woon
    In Normandie, when as the enimie
    Hath bin ten to one, and why should I now doubt
    Of the like successe? I am resolu'd. Come lets goe.
    Edw. Lets martch awaie, I heare their drums. Exit.