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  • Title: Henry VI, Part 3 (Octavo 1, 1595)

  • Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Henry VI, Part 3 (Octavo 1, 1595)

    The Tragedie of Richard D. of
    650Enter Edward and Richard, with drum
    and Souldiers.
    Edw. After this dangerous fight and haplesse warre,
    660How doth my noble brother Richard fare?
    Rich. I cannot ioy vntil I be resolu'de,
    Where our right valiant father is become.
    How often did I see him beare himselfe,
    As doth a lion midst a heard of neat,
    So fled his enemies our valiant father,
    Me thinkes tis pride enough to be his sonne.
    Three sunnes appeare in the aire.
    Edw. Loe how the morning opes her golden gates,
    And takes her farewell of the glorious sun,
    Dasell mine eies or doe I see three suns?
    Rich. Three glorious suns, not seperated by a racking
    Cloud, but seuered in a pale cleere shining skie.
    See, see, they ioine, embrace, and seeme to kisse,
    As if they vowde some league inuiolate:
    Now are they but one lampe, one light, one sun,
    In this the heauens doth figure some euent.
    Edw. I thinke it cites vs brother to the field,
    That we the sonnes of braue Plantagenet,
    Alreadie each one shining by his meed,
    690May ioine in one and ouerpeere the world,
    As this the earth, and therefore hence forward,
    Ile beare vpon my Target, three faire shining suns.
    But what art thou? that lookest so heauilie?
    700Mes. Oh one that was a wofull looker on,
    When as the noble Duke of Yorke was slaine.
    Edw. O speake no more, for I can heare no more.
    705Rich. Tell on thy tale, for I will heare it all.