Yorke, and Henrie the Sixt.
31582242Be re
sident in men like one another,
31592243And not in me, I am my
selfe alone,
31602244Clarence beware, thou kept
st me from the light
31612245But I will
sort a pitchte daie for thee.
31622246For I will buz abroad
such prophe
Edward shall be fearefull of his life,
31642248And then to purge his feare, Ile be thy death.
31652249Henry and his
sonne are gone, thou
Clarence next,
31662250And by one and one I will di
spatch the re
31672251Counting my
selfe but bad, till
I be be
31682252Ile drag thy bodie in another roome.
31692253And triumph
Henry in thy daie of doome.
31702255Enter king Edward, Queene Elizabeth, and a Nurse 31712256with the young prince, and Clarence, and Hastings, and others.
31722257Edw. Once more we
sit in Englands royall throne,
sde with the bloud of enemies,
31742259What valiant foemen like to
Autumnes corne,
31752260Haue we mow'd downe in tops of all their pride?
31762261Three Dukes of
Summerset, threefold renowmd
31772262For hardie and vndoubted champions.
Cliffords, as the father and the
31792264And two
Northumberlands, two brauer men
spurd their cour
sers at the trumpets
31812266With them the two rough Beares
Warwike and
31822268That in their chaines fettered the kinglie Lion,
31832269And made the Forre
st tremble when they roard,