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  • Title: Henry VI, Part 3 (Octavo 1, 1595)

  • Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Henry VI, Part 3 (Octavo 1, 1595)

    The Tragedie of Richard D. of
    1060Hath robd my strong knit sinnews of their strength,
    And force perforce needes must I rest my selfe.
    Enter Edward.
    Edw. Smile gentle heauens or strike vngentle death,
    That we maie die vnlesse we gaine the daie:
    1065What fatall starre malignant frownes from heauen
    Vpon the harmelesse line of Yorkes true house?
    Enter George.
    George. Come brother, come, lets to the field againe,
    For yet theres hope inough to win the daie:
    1070Then let vs backe to cheere our fainting Troupes,
    Lest they retire now we haue left the field.
    War. How now my lords: what hap, what hope of good?
    Enter Richard running.
    Rich. Ah Warwike, why haste thou withdrawne thy selfe?
    1075Thy noble father in the thickest thronges,
    Cride still for Warwike his thrise valiant son,
    Vntill with thousand swords he was beset,
    And manie wounds made in his aged brest,
    1080And as he tottering sate vpon his steede,
    He waft his hand to me and cride aloud:
    Richard, commend me to my valiant sonne,
    And still he cride Warwike reuenge my death,
    And with those words he tumbled off his horse,
    And so the noble Salsbury gaue vp the ghost.
    War. Then let the earth be drunken with his bloud,
    Ile kill my horse because I will not flie:
    And here to God of heauen I make a vow,
    1090Neuer to passe from forth this bloudy field
    Till I am full reuenged for his death.
    Edw. Lord Warwike, I doe bend my knees with thine,