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  • Title: Henry VI, Part 3 (Octavo 1, 1595)

  • Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Henry VI, Part 3 (Octavo 1, 1595)

    The Tragedie of Richard D. of
    For this is he shall helpe you more,
    Then you are hurt by me.
    Enter one with a letter to Warwike.
    War. What Counsell Lords, Edward from Belgia,
    With hastie Germaines and blunt Hollanders,
    Is past in safetie through the narrow seas,
    2605And with his troopes doe march amaine towardes (London,
    And manie giddie people follow him.
    Oxf. Tis best to looke to this betimes,
    For if this fire doe kindle any further,
    It will be hard for vs to quench it out.
    2610War. In Warwike shire I haue true harted friends,
    Not mutinous in peace, yet bold in warre,
    Them will I muster vp, and thou sonne Clarence shalt
    In Essex, Suffolke, Norfolke, and in Kent,
    Stir vp the knights and gentlemen to come with thee.
    2615And thou brother Montague, in Leister shire,
    Buckingham and Northampton shire shalt finde,
    Men well inclinde to doe what thou commands,
    And thou braue Oxford wondrous well belou'd,
    Shalt in thy countries muster vp thy friends.
    2620My soueraigne with his louing Citizens,
    Shall rest in London till we come to him.
    Faire Lords take leaue and stand not to replie,
    2625Farewell my soueraigne.
    King. Farewel my Hector, my Troyes true hope.
    War. Farewell sweet Lords, lets meet at Couentrie.
    All. Agreed. Exeunt Omnes.
    Enter Edward and his traine.
    Edw. Sease on the shamefast Henry,
    And once againe conuaie him to the Tower,