Yorke, and Henrie the Sixt.
1030883He might haue kept that glorie till this daie.
1031884But when he tooke a begger to his bed,
1032885And grac
st thy poore
sire with his bridall daie,
1033886Then that
shine bred a
showre for him
1034887Which wa
sht his fathers fortunes out of France,
1035888And heapt
seditions on his crowne at home.
1036889For what hath mou'd the
se tumults but thy pride?
st thou beene meeke, our title yet had
1038891And we in pittie of the gentle king,
slipt our claime vntill an other age.
1040893George. But when we
saw our
summer brought the
1041895And that the harue
st brought vs no increa
set the axe to thy v
surping root,
1043897And though the edge haue
something hit our
1044898Yet know thou we will neuer cea
se to
1045899Till we haue hewne thee downe,
1046900Or bath'd thy growing with our heated blouds.
1047901Edw. And in this re
solution, I de
fie thee,
1048902Not willing anie longer conference,
1049903Since thou denie
st the gentle king to
1050904Sound trumpets, let our bloudie colours waue,
1051905And either vi
ctorie or el
se a graue.
1053907Edw. Hence wrangling woman, Ile no longer
1054908Thy words will co
st ten thou
sand liues to daie.
1057911War. Sore
spent with toile as runners with the race,
1058912I laie me downe a little while to breath,
strokes receiude, and manie blowes repaide,
C Hath