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  • Title: Henry VI, Part 3 (Octavo 1, 1595)

  • Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Henry VI, Part 3 (Octavo 1, 1595)

    Yorke, and Henrie the Sixt.
    Giuing no foot vnto the house of Yorke,
    I and ten thousand in this wofull land,
    Had left no mourning Widdowes for our deathes,
    1300And thou this daie hadst kept thy throne in peace.
    For what doth cherish weedes but gentle aire?
    And what makes robbers bold but lenitie?
    Bootlesse are plaintes, and curelesse are my woundes,
    No waie to flie, no strength to hold our flight,
    1305The foe is mercilesse and will not pittie me,
    And at their hands I haue deserude no pittie.
    The aire is got into my bleeding wounds,
    And much effuse of bloud doth make me faint,
    Come Yorke and Richard, Warwike and the rest,
    1310I stabde your fathers, now come split my brest.
    Enter Edward, Richard and Warwike,
    and Souldiers.
    Edw. Thus farre our fortunes keepes an vpward
    Course, and we are grast with wreathes of victorie.
    1315Some troopes pursue the bloudie minded Queene,
    That now towards Barwike doth poste amaine,
    But thinke you that Clifford is fled awaie with them?
    1320War. No, tis impossible he should escape,
    For though before his face I speake the words,
    Your brother Richard markt him for the graue.
    And where so ere he be I warrant him dead.
    Clifford grones and then dies.
    Edw. Harke, what soule is this that takes his heauy leaue?
    1325Rich. A deadlie grone, like life and deaths departure.
    Edw. See who it is, and now the battailes ended,
    Friend or foe, let him be friendlie vsed.
    Rich. Reuerse that doome of mercie, for tis Clifford.
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