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  • Title: Henry VI, Part 3 (Octavo 1, 1595)

  • Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Henry VI, Part 3 (Octavo 1, 1595)

    The Tragedie of Richard D. of
    War. I but thou art no Atlas for so great a waight,
    And weakling, Warwike takes his gift againe,
    2715Henry is my king, Warwike his subiect.
    Edw. I prethe gallant Warwike tell me this,
    What is the bodie when the head is off?
    Glo. Alasse that Warwike had no more foresight,
    2720But whilst he sought to steale the singleten,
    The king was finelie fingerd from the decke?
    You left poore Henry in the Bishops pallace,
    And ten to one you'le meet him in the Tower.
    Edw. Tis euen so, and yet you are olde Warwike still.
    War. O cheerefull colours, see where Oxford comes.
    Enter Oxford with drum and souldiers & al crie,
    Oxf. Oxford, Oxford, for Lancaster. Exit.
    2740Edw. The Gates are open, see they enter in,
    Lets follow them and bid them battaile in the streetes.
    Glo. No, so some other might set vpon our backes,
    Weele staie till all be entered, and then follow them.
    Enter Summerset with drum and souldiers.
    Sum. Summerset, Summerset, for Lancaster. Exit.
    2755Glo. Two of thy name both Dukes of Summerset,
    Haue solde their liues vnto the house of Yorke.
    And thou shalt be the third and my sword hold.
    Enter Montague with drum and souldiers.
    Mont. Montague, Montague, for Lancaster. Exit.
    Edw. Traitorous Montague, thou and thy brother
    Shall deerelie abie this rebellious act.
    Enter Clarence with drum and souldiers.
    War. And loe where George of Clarence sweepes
    2760Along, of power enough to bid his brother battell.
    Cla. Clarence, Clarence, for Lancaster.