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  • Title: Henry VI, Part 3 (Octavo 1, 1595)

  • Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Henry VI, Part 3 (Octavo 1, 1595)

    Yorke, and Henrie the Sixt.
    1980Thears thy reward, begone.
    Lew. But now tell me Warwike, what assurance
    I shall haue of thy true loyaltie?
    War. This shall assure my constant loyaltie,
    If that our Queene and this young prince agree,
    1990Ile ioine mine eldest daughter and my ioie
    To him forthwith in holie wedlockes bandes.
    Queen. Withall my hart, that match I like full wel,
    Loue her sonne Edward, shee is faire and yong,
    And giue thy hand to Warwike for thy loue.
    2000Lew. It is enough, and now we will prepare,
    To leuie souldiers for to go with you.
    And you Lord Bourbon our high Admirall,
    Shall waft them safelie to the English coast,
    And chase proud Edward from his slumbring trance,
    For mocking marriage with the name of France.
    War. I came from Edward as Imbassadour
    But I returne his sworne and mortall foe:
    Matter of marriage was the charge he gaue me,
    But dreadfull warre shall answere his demand.
    2010Had he none else to make a stale but me?
    Then none but I shall turne his iest to sorrow.
    I was the chiefe that raisde him to the crowne,
    And Ile be chiefe to bring him downe agaiue,
    Not that I pittie Henries miserie,
    2015But seeke reuenge on Edwards mockerie. Exit.
    Enter king Edward, the Queene and Clarence, and
    Gloster, and Montague and Hastings, and
    Penbrooke, with souldiers.
    Edw. Brothers of Clarence and of Glocester,
    What thinke you of our marriage with the ladie Gray?
    D3. Cla-