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  • Title: Henry VI, Part 2 (Quarto 1, 1594)

  • Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Henry VI, Part 2 (Quarto 1, 1594)

    Enter Duke Humphrey, and Dame Ellanor,
    273.1Cobham his vvife
    Elnor. Why droopes my Lord like ouer ripened corne,
    275Hanging the head at Cearies plentious loade,
    280What seest thou Duke Humphrey King Henries Crovvne?
    Reach at it, and if thine arme be too short,
    285Mine shall lengthen it. Art not thou a Prince,
    285.1Vnckle to the King, and his Protector?
    Then vvhat shouldst thou lacke that might content thy minde.
    Humph. My louely Nell, far be it from my heart,
    To thinke of Treasons gainst my soueraigne Lord,
    295But I vvas troubled vvith a dreame to night,
    295.1And God I pray, it do betide no ill.
    Elnor. What drempt my Lord. Good Humphrey tell it me,
    296.1And ile interpret it, and vvhen thats done,
    Ile tell thee then, vvhat I did dreame to night.
    Humphrey. This night vvhen I vvas laid in bed, I dreampt that
    Houses, of Yorke and Lancaster.
    This my staffe mine Office badge in Court,
    300Was broke in two, and on the ends were plac'd,
    The heads of the Cardinall of VVinchester,
    And VVilliam de la Poule first Duke of Suffolke.
    Elnor. Tush my Lord, this signifies nought but this,
    That he that breakes a sticke of Glosters groue,
    Shall for th'offence, make forfeit of his head.
    But now my Lord, Ile tell you what I dreampt,
    310Me thought I was in the Cathedrall Church
    At Westminster, and seated in the chaire
    Where Kings and Queenes are crownde, and at my feete
    Henry and Margaret with a Crowne of gold
    Stood readie to set it on my Princely head.
    315Humphrey. Fie Nell. Ambitious woman as thou art,
    Art thou not second woman in this land,
    And the Protectors wife belou'd of him,
    And wilt thou still be hammering treason thus,
    Away I say, and let me heare no more.
    325Elnor How now my Lord. What angry with your Nell,
    For telling but her dreame. The next I haue
    Ile keepe to my selfe, and not be rated thus.
    Humphrey. Nay Nell, Ile giue no credit to a dreame,
    329.1But I would haue thee to thinke on no such things.
    330Enters a Messenger.
    Messenger.And it please your grace, the King and Queene to
    morrow morning will ride a hawking to Saint Albones,
    and craues your company along with them.
    Humphrey. With all my heart, I will attend his grace:
    334.1Come Nell, thou wilt go with vs vs I am sure.
    Exet Humphrey.
    335Elnor. Ile come after you, for I cannot go before,
    But ere it be long, Ile go before them all,
    Despight of all that seeke to crosse me thus,
    Who is within there?
    B Enter
    The first part of the contention of the two famous
    Enter sir Iohn Hum.
    344.1What sir Iohn Hum, what newes with you?
    345Sir Iohn. Iesus preserue your Maiestie.
    Elnor. My Maiestie. Why man I am but grace.
    Ser Iohn. I, but by the grace of God & Hums aduise,
    Your graces state shall be aduanst ere long.
    Elnor. What hast thou conferd with Margery Iordaine, the
    350 cunning Witch of Ely, with Roger Bullingbrooke and the
    rest, and will they vndertake to do me good?
    Sir Iohn. I haue Madame, and they haue promised me to raise
    a Spirite from depth of vnder grounde, that shall tell your
    355 grace all questions you demaund.
    Elnor. Thanks good sir Iohn. Some two daies hence I gesse
    357.1Will fit our time, then see that they be here:
    For now the King is ryding to Saint Albones,
    358.1And all the Dukes and Earles along with him,
    When they be gone, then safely they may come,
    And on the backside of my Orchard heere,
    There cast their Spelles in silence of the night,
    358.5And so resolue vs of the thing we wish,
    360Till when, drinke that for my sake, And so farwell.
    Exet Elnor.
    Sir Iohn. Now sir Iohn Hum, No words but mum.
    365Seale vp your lips, for you must silent be,
    These gifts ere long will make me mightie rich,
    The Duches she thinks now that all is well,
    But I haue gold comes from another place,
    From one that hyred me to set her on,
    375To plot these Treasons gainst the King and Peeres,
    And that is the mightie Duke of Suffolke.
    For he it is, but I must not say so,
    That by my meanes must worke the Duches fall,
    381.1Who now by Cuniurations thinkes to rise.
    But whist sir Iohn, no more of that I trow,
    Houses, of Yorke and Lancaster.
    383.1For feare you lose your head before you goe.