The first part of the contention of the two famous
21291415Thus like a
splitted barke
sunder we.
21301416This way fall I to death.
Exet Suffolke. 21311417Queene. This way for me.
Exet Queene. 21321418 Enter King and Salsbury, and then the Curtaines be drawne, and 21331419 the Cardinall is discouered in his bed, rauing and staring as if he 21361421Car. Oh death, if thou wilt let me liue but one whole yeare,
21371422Ile giue thee as much gold as will purcha
such another Iland.
21391423King. Oh
see my Lord of Sal
sbury how he is troubled,
21401424Lord Cardinall, remember Chri
st mu
st saue thy
21431425Car. Why died he not in his bed?
21441427Can I make men liue whether they will or no?
21511428Sirra, go fetch me the
strong poi
son which the Pothicary
sent me.
see where duke Humphreys ghoa
st doth
stares me in the face. Looke, looke, coame downe his haire,
21581432Sal. See how the panges of death doth gripe his heart.
21611433King. Lord Cardinall, if thou die
st a
ssured of heauenly bli
21621434Hold vp thy hand and make
signe to vs.
see he dies, and makes no
signe at all.
21641438Salb. So bad an ende did neuer none behold,
2164.11439But as his death,
so was his life in all.
21651440King. Forbeare to iudge, good Sal
sbury forbeare,
1441For God will iudge vs all.
21661442Go take him hence, and
see his funerals be performde.
21681444 Alarmes within, and the chambers be discharged, like as it 2168.11445 were a fight at sea. And then enter the Captaine of the ship 21691446 and the Maister, and the Maisters Mate, & the Duke of Suf- 2169.11447 folke disguised, and others with him, and Water Whick- 21771449Cap. Bring forward the
se pri
soners that
scorn'd to yeeld,
2177.11450Vnlade their goods with
speed and
sincke their
21811451Here Mai
ster, this pri
soner I giue to you.