Houses, of Yorke and Lancaster.
747554Humphrey. As how, my Lord?
748555Suffolke. As you, my Lord. And it like your Lordly
750557Humphrey. Why Su
ffolke, England knowes thy in
751558Queene. And thy ambition Glo
752559King. Cea
se gentle Queene, and whet not on the
se furious
753560 Lordes to wrath, for ble
ssed are the peace-makers on
755562Card. Let me be ble
ssed for the peace I make,
st this proud Prote
ctor with my
757564Humphrey. Faith holy vnckle, I would it were come to that,
758565Cardinall. Euen when thou dare
758.1566Humphrey. Dare. I tell thee Prie
st, Plantagenets could neuer
758.3568Card. I am Plantagenet as well as thou, and
sonne to Iohn of
759572Humph. Make vp no fa
ctious numbers, but euen in thine own
763573 per
son meete me at the Ea
st end of the groue.
764575King. Why how now Lords?
765576Card. Faith Cou
sin Glo
ster, had not your man ca
st o
ff so
766577 we had had more
sport to day, Come with thy
775579Humphrey. Faith Prie
st, Ile
shaue your Crowne.
777580Cardinall. Prote
ctor, prote
ct thy
selfe well.
779581King. The wind growes high,
so doth your chollour Lords.
784582Enter one crying, A miracle, a miracle. 786583How now, now
sirrha, what miracle is it?
790584One. And it plea
se your grace, there is a man that came blinde
791585to S. Albones, and hath receiued his
sight at his
793586King. Goe fetch him hither, that wee may glori
fie the Lord
795588Enter the Maior of Saint Albones and his brethren with 796589Musicke, bearing the man that had bene blind, 799591King. Thou happie man, giue God eternall prai