The first part of the contention of the two famous
1015742of Clarence, the third
sonne to Edward the third. Now
sir. In the
980743time of Richards raigne, Henry of Bullingbrooke,
sonne and heire
981744to Iohn of Gaunt, the Duke of Lanca
ster fourth
sonne to Edward
983745the third, he claimde the Crowne, depo
sde the Merthfull King, and
985746as both you know, in Pomphret Ca
stle harmele
sse Richard was
986747shamefully murthered, and
so by Richards death came the hou
se of
ster vnto the Crowne.
1000749Sals. Sauing your tale my Lord, as I haue heard, in the raigne
1001750of Bullenbrooke, the Duke of Yorke did claime the Crowne, and
1002751but for Owin Glendor, had bene King.
1002.1752Yorke. True. But
so it fortuned then, by meanes of that mon
- 1002.2753strous rebel Glendor, the noble Duke of York was done to death,
so euer
since the heires of Iohn of Gaunt haue po
ssed the
1002.4755Crowne. But if the i
ssue of the elder
seed before the i
s- 1002.5756sue of the yonger, then am I lawfull heire vnto the kingdome.
1017757VVarwicke. What plaine proceedings can be more plaine, hee
1018758claimes it from Lyonel Duke of Clarence, the third
sonne to Ed
- 1019759ward the third, and Henry from Iohn of Gaunt the fourth
1020760So that till Lyonels i
ssue failes, his
should not raigne. It failes not
1021761yet, but
sheth in thee & in thy
sons, braue
slips of
such a
1023762Then noble father, kneele we both togither, and in this priuate
1024763place, be we the
st to honor him with birthright to the Crown.
1027764Both. Long liue Richard Englands royall King.
1029765Yorke. I thanke you both. But Lords I am not your King vntil
sword be
sheathed euen in the hart blood of the hou
se of Lan
- 1032.1768VVar. Then Yorke adui
se thy
selfe and take thy time,
1032.2769Claime thou the Crowne, and
set thy
standard vp,
1032.3770And in the
same aduance the milke-white Ro
1032.4771And then to gard it, will I rou
se the Beare,
1032.5772Inuiron'd with ten thou
sand Ragged-
1032.6773To aide and helpe thee for to win thy right,
1032.7774Maugre the proude
st Lord of Henries blood,
1032.8775That dares deny the right and claime of Yorke,
1045776For why my minde pre
sageth I
shall liue
see the noble Duke of Yorke to be a King.
1047778Yorke. Thanks noble Warwicke, and Yorke doth hope to
1048779The Earle of Warwicke liue, to be the greate
st man in England,