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  • Title: Henry VI, Part 2 (Quarto 1, 1594)

  • Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Henry VI, Part 2 (Quarto 1, 1594)

    The first part of the contention of the two famous
    Humph. I charge you for your liues stir not a foote,
    1193.1Nor offer once to draw a weapon here,
    But let them do their office as they should.
    1195Elnor. Come you my Lord to see my open shame?
    Ah Gloster, now thou doest penance too,
    See how the giddie people looke at thee,
    Shaking their heads, and pointing at thee heere,
    Go get thee gone, and hide thee from their sights,
    1200And in thy pent vp studie rue my shame,
    And ban thine enemies. Ah mine and thine.
    Hum. Ah Nell, sweet Nell, forget this extreme grief,
    1202.1And beare it patiently to ease thy heart.
    Elnor. Ah Gloster teach me to forget my selfe,
    For whilst I thinke I am thy wedded wife,
    Then thought of this, doth kill my wofull heart.
    1210The ruthlesse flints do cut my tender feete,
    And when I start the cruell people laugh,
    And bids me be aduised how I tread,
    1212.1And thus with burning Tapor in my hand,
    Malde vp in shame with papers on my backe,
    Ah, Gloster, can I endure this and liue.
    Sometime ile say I am Duke Humphreys wife,
    And he a Prince, Protector of the land,
    1220But so he rulde, and such a Prince he was,
    As he stood by, whilst I his forelorne Duches
    Was led with shame, and made a laughing stocke,
    To euery idle rascald follower.
    1240Humphrey. My louely Nell, what wouldst thou haue me do?
    1240.1Should I attempt to rescue thee from hence,
    I should incurre the danger of the law,
    And thy disgrace would not be shadowed so.
    Elnor. Be thou milde, and stir not at my disgrace,
    1225Vntill the axe of death hang ouer thy head,
    As shortly sure it will. For Suffolke he,
    The new made Duke, that may do all in all
    With her that loues him so, and hates vs all,
    And impious Yorke and Bewford that false Priest,
    1230Haue all lymde bushes to betraie thy wings,