The first part of the contention of the two famous
1193890Humph. I charge you for your liues
stir not a foote,
1193.1891Nor o
ffer once to draw a weapon here,
1193.2892But let them do their o
ffice as they
1195893Elnor. Come you my Lord to
see my open
1196894Ah Glo
ster, now thou doe
st penance too,
1197895See how the giddie people looke at thee,
1198896Shaking their heads, and pointing at thee heere,
1199897Go get thee gone, and hide thee from their
1200898And in thy pent vp
studie rue my
1201899And ban thine enemies. Ah mine and thine.
1202900Hum. Ah Nell,
sweet Nell, forget this extreme grief,
1202.1901And beare it patiently to ea
se thy heart.
1203902Elnor. Ah Glo
ster teach me to forget my
1204903For whil
st I thinke I am thy wedded wife,
1206904Then thought of this, doth kill my wofull heart.
1210905The ruthle
flints do cut my tender feete,
1211906And when I
start the cruell people laugh,
1212907And bids me be adui
sed how I tread,
1212.1908And thus with burning Tapor in my hand,
1207909Malde vp in
shame with papers on my backe,
1213910Ah, Glo
ster, can I endure this and liue.
1218911Sometime ile
say I am Duke
Humphreys wife,
1219912And he a Prince, Prote
ctor of the land,
so he rulde, and
such a Prince he was,
1221914As he
stood by, whil
st I his forelorne Duches
1222915Was led with
shame, and made a laughing
1223916To euery idle ra
scald follower.
1240917Humphrey. My louely Nell, what would
st thou haue me do?
1240.1918Should I attempt to re
scue thee from hence,
should incurre the danger of the law,
1241920And thy di
sgrace would not be
1224921Elnor. Be thou milde, and
stir not at my di
1225922Vntill the axe of death hang ouer thy head,
sure it will. For Su
ffolke he,
1227924The new made Duke, that may do all in all
1228925With her that loues him
so, and hates vs all,
1229926And impious Yorke and Bewford that fal
se Prie
1230927Haue all lymde bu
shes to betraie thy wings,