Houses, of Yorke and Lancaster.
2651.21756Why i
st not a mi
serable thing, that of the
skin of an innocent lamb
2651.31757should parchment be made, & then with a litle blotting ouer with
2651.51759 Some
saies tis the bees that
sting, but I
say, tis their waxe, for I
sure I neuer
seald to any thing but once, and I was neuer mine
2651.81762Nicke. But when
shall we take vp tho
se commodities
2651.101764Cade. Marry he that will lu
stand to it,
2651.111765Shall go with me, and take vp the
se commodities following:
2651.121766Item, a gowne, a kirtle, a petticoate, and a
2657.11768George. My Lord, a prize, a prize, heres the Lord Say,
26591770Cade. Come hither thou Say, thou George, thou buckrum lord,
26611771What an
swere can
st thou make vnto my mightine
26621772For deliuering vp the townes in France to Moun
sier bus mine cue,
26661774And more then
so, thou ha
st mo
st traitorou
sly ere
cted a grammer
26671775schoole, to infe
ct the youth of the realme, and again
st the Kings
26701776Crowne and dignitie, thou ha
st built vp a paper-mill, nay it wil be
26711777said to thy face, that thou kep
st men in thy hou
se that daily reades
26721778of bookes with red letters, and talkes of a Nowne and a Verbe, and
26731779such abhominable words as no Chri
stian eare is able to endure it.
26741780And be
sides all that, thou ha
st appointed certaine Iu
ses of peace
26751781in euery
shire to hang hone
st men that
steale for their liuing, and
se they could not reade, thou ha
st hung them vp: Onely for
26791783which cau
se they were mo
st worthy to liue. Thou ride
st on a foot
- 26821786Cade. Marry I
say, thou oughte
st not to let thy hor
se weare a
26831787cloake, when an hone
ster man then thy
selfe, goes in his ho
se and
26901792Cade. Bonum terum,
sounds whats that?
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