Houses, of Yorke and Lancaster.
2532.11680King. Sir
Humphrey Stafford and his brother is
25411682Go back to them, and tell them thus from me.
25451683Ile come and parley with their generall.
25461684Reade. Yet
staie, ile reade the Letter one againe.
25511685Lord Say, Iacke Cade hath
solemnely vowde to haue thy head.
25531686Say. I, but I hope your highne
shall haue his.
25541687King. How now Madam,
still lamenting and mourning for Suf
25561688folkes death, I feare my loue, if I had bene dead, thou would
st not
25581690Queene. No my loue, I
should not mourne, but die for thee.
25631692Messen. Oh
flie my Lord, the Rebels are entered
25861693Southwarke, and haue almo
st wonne the Bridge,
2566.11695And that mon
strous Rebell Cade, hath
25671696To Crowne him
selfe King in We
flie my Lord, and po
ste to Killingworth.
2575.11698King. Go bid Buckingham and Cli
fford, gather
25801700Come Madame, let vs ha
ste to Killingworth.
25791701Come on Lord Say, go thou along with vs,
2579.11702For feare the Rebell Cade do
finde thee out.
25811703Say. My innocence my Lord
shall pleade for me.
25831704And therfore with your highne
sse leaue, ile
staie behind.
25981708Enter the Lord Skayles vpon the Tower 25991710Enter three or foure Citizens below. 26001711Lord Scayles. How now, is Iacke Cade
26011712I. Citizen. No my Lord, nor likely to be
26031714Killing all tho
se that with
stand them.
26041715The Lord Mayor craueth ayde of your honor from the Tower,
26051716To defend the Citie from the Rebels.
26061717Lord Scayles. Such aide as I can
spare, you
shall command,
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