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  • Title: Henry VI, Part 2 (Quarto 1, 1594)

  • Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Henry VI, Part 2 (Quarto 1, 1594)

    Houses, of Yorke and Lancaster.
    Cade. Let them come, hees but a knight is he?
    Tom. No, no, hees but a knight.
    Cade. Why then to equall him, ile make my selfe knight.
    Kneele downe Iohn Mortemer,
    2439.1Rise vp sir Iohn Mortemer.
    Is there any more of them that be Knights?
    Tom. I his brother.
    He Knights Dicke Butcher.
    2439.5Cade. Then kneele downe Dicke Butcher,
    Rise vp sir Dicke Butcher.
    Now sound vp the Drumme.
    2440Enter sir Humphrey Stafford and his brother, with
    Drumme and souldiers.
    Cade. As for these silken coated slaues I passe not a pinne,
    Tis to you good people that I speake.
    2449.1Stafford. Why country-men, what meane you thus in troopes,
    To follow this rebellious Traitor Cade?
    Why his father was but a Brick-laier.
    Cade. Well, and Adam was a Gardner, what then?
    2454.1But I come of the Mortemers.
    Stafford. I, the Duke of Yorke hath taught you that.
    2475Cade. The Duke of York, nay, I learnt it my selfe,
    For looke you, Roger Mortemer the Earle of March,
    Married the Duke of Clarence daughter.
    Stafford. Well, thats true: But what then?
    Cade. And by her he had two children at a birth.
    2460Stafford. Thats false.
    Cade. I, but I say, tis true.
    2461.1All. Why then tis true.
    Cade. And one of them was stolne away by a begger-woman,
    And that was my father, and I am his sonne,
    Deny it and you can.
    Nicke. Nay looke you, I know twas true,
    For his father built a chimney in my fathers house,
    And the brickes are aliue at this day to testifie.
    Cade. But doest thou heare Stafford, tell the King, that for his
    fathers sake, in whose time boyes plaide at spanne-counter with
    Frenche Crownes, I am content that hee shall be King as long