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  • Title: Henry VI, Part 2 (Quarto 1, 1594)

  • Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Henry VI, Part 2 (Quarto 1, 1594)

    Houses of Yorke & Lancaster, with the death of
    the good Duke Humphrey.
    Enter at one doore, King Henry the sixt, and Humphrey Duke of
    Gloster, the Duke of Sommerset, the Duke of Buckingham, Car-
    4.1 dinall Bewford, and others.
    5Enter at the other doore, the Duke of Yorke, and the Marquesse of
    Suffolke, and Queene Margaret, and the Earle of Salisbury and
    6.1 Warwicke.
    AS by your high imperiall Maiesties command,
    I had in charge at my depart for France,
    10As Procurator for your excellence,
    To marry Princes Margaret for your grace,
    So in the auncient famous Citie Towres,
    In presence of the Kings of France & Cyssile,
    The Dukes of Orleance, Calabar, Brittaine, and Alonson.
    15Seuen Earles, twelue Barons, and then the reuerend Bishops,
    I did performe my taske and was espousde,
    And now, most humbly on my bended knees,
    In sight of England and her royall Peeres,
    Deliuer vp my title in the Queene,
    20Vnto your gratious excellence, that are the substance
    Of that great shadow I did represent:
    The happiest gift that euer Marquesse gaue,
    The fairest Queene that euer King possest.
    King. Suffolke arise.
    25Welcome Queene Margaret to English Henries Court,
    The greatest shew of kindnesse yet we can bestow,
    26.1Is this kinde kisse: Oh gracious God of heauen,
    Lend me a heart repleat with thankfulnesse,
    For in this beautious face thou hast bestowde
    A world of pleasures to my perplexed soule.
    Queene. Th'excessiue loue I beare vnto your grace,
    Forbids me to be lauish of my tongue,
    Least I should speake more then beseemes a woman:
    Let this suffice, my blisse is in your liking,
    35And nothing can make poore Margaret miserable,
    Vnlesse the frowne of mightie Englands King.
    Kin. Her lookes did wound, but now her speech doth pierce,
    40Louely Queene Margaret sit down by my side:
    And vnckle Gloster, and you Lordly Peeres,
    43.1With one voice welcome my beloued Queene.
    All. Long liue Queene Margaret, Englands happinesse.
    45Queene. We thanke you all.
    45.1 Sound Trumpets.
    Suffolke. My Lord Protector, so it please your grace,
    Here are the Articles confirmde of peace,
    Betweene our Soueraigne and the French King Charles,
    Till terme of eighteene months be full expirde.
    50Humphrey. Imprimis, It is agreed betweene the French King
    Charles, and William de la Poule, Marquesse of Suffolke, Embas-
    sador for Henry King of England, that the said Henry shal wed
    and espouse the Ladie Margaret, daughter to Raynard King of
    Naples, Cyssels, and Ierusalem, and crowne her Queene of Eng-
    55 land, ere the 30 of the next month.
    Item. It is further agreed betwene them, that the Dutches of An-
    ioy and of Maine, shall be released and deliuered ouer to the
    57.1 King her fa.
    Duke Humphrey lets it fall.
    Kin How now vnkle, whats the matter that you stay so sodenly.
    Houses, of Yorke and Lancaster.
    Humph. Pardon my Lord, a sodain qualme came ouer my hart,
    Which dimmes mine eyes that I can reade no more.
    Vnckle of Winchester, I pray you reade on.
    Cardinall. Item, It is further agreed betweene them, that the
    Duches of Anioy and of Mayne, shall be released and deliue-
    65 red ouer to the King her father, & she sent ouer of the King
    of Englands owne proper cost and charges without dowry.
    King. They please vs well, Lord Marquesse kneele downe, We
    here create thee first Duke of Suffolke, & girt thee with the
    70 sword. Cosin of Yorke, We here discharge your grace from
    being Regent in the parts of France, till terme of 18. months
    be full expirde.
    Thankes vnckle VVinchester, Gloster, Yorke, and Buckingham, So-
    75merset, Salsbury and VVarwicke.
    We thanke you all for this great fauour done,
    In entertainment to my Princely Queene,
    Come let vs in, and with all speed prouide
    To see her Coronation be performde.
    80Exet King, Queene, and Suffolke, and Duke
    Humphrey staies all the rest.
    Humphrey. Braue Peeres of England, Pillars of the state,
    To you Duke Humphrey must vnfold his griefe,
    85What did my brother Henry toyle himselfe,
    And waste his subiects for to conquere France?
    90And did my brother Bedford spend his time
    To keepe in awe that stout vnruly Realme?
    95And haue not I and mine vnckle Bewford here,
    Done all we could to keepe that land in peace?
    And is all our labours then spent in vaine,
    102.1For Suffolke he, the new made Duke that rules the roast,
    Hath giuen away for our King Henries Queene,
    The Dutches of Anioy and Mayne vnto her father.
    Ah Lords, fatall is this marriage canselling our states,
    Reuersing Monuments of conquered France,
    110Vndoing all, as none had nere bene done.
    Card. Why how now cosin Gloster, what needs this?
    A3 As
    The first part of the contention of the two famous
    145As if our King were bound vnto your will,
    145.1And might not do his will without your leaue,
    Proud Protector, enuy in thine eyes I see,
    The big swolne venome of thy hatefull heart,
    That dares presume gainst that thy Soueraigne likes.
    Humphr. Nay my Lord tis not my words that troubles you,
    But my presence, proud Prelate as thou art:
    148.1But ile begone, and giue thee leaue to speake.
    Farewell my Lords, and say when I am gone,
    I prophesied France would be lost ere long.
    153.1 Exet Duke Humphrey.
    Card. There goes our Protector in a rage,
    155My Lords you know he is my great enemy,
    155.1And though he be Protector of the land,
    And thereby couers his deceitfull thoughts,
    For well you see, if he but walke the streets,
    165The common people swarme about him straight,
    Crying Iesus blesse your royall exellence,
    With God preserue the good Duke Humphrey.
    170And many things besides that are not knowne,
    Which time will bring to light in smooth Duke Humphrey.
    But I will after him, and if I can
    Ile laie a plot to heaue him from his seate.
    178.1 Exet Cardinall.
    Buck. But let vs watch this haughtie Cardinall,
    181.1Cosen of Somerset be rulde by me,
    Weele watch Duke Humphrey and the Cardinall too,
    And put them from the marke they faine would hit.
    Somerset. Thanks cosin Buckingham, ioyne thou with me,
    175And both of vs with the Duke of Suffolke,
    Weele quickly heaue Duke Humphrey from his seate.
    176.1Buck. Content, Come then let vs about it straight,
    185For either thou or I will be Protector.
    Exet Buckingham and Somerset.
    Salsb. Pride went before, Ambition follows after.
    Whilst these do seeke their owne preferments thus,
    Houses, of Yorke and Lancaster.
    190My Lords let vs seeke for our Countries good,
    Oft haue I seene this haughtie Cardinall
    Sweare, and forsweare himselfe, and braue it out,
    More like a Ruffin then a man of Church.
    Cosin Yorke, the victories thou hast wonne,
    In Ireland, Normandie, and in France,
    Hath wonne thee immortall praise in England.
    And thou braue VVarwicke, my thrice valiant sonne,
    Thy simple plainnesse and thy house-keeping,
    200Hath wonne thee credit amongst the common sort,
    200.1The reuerence of mine age, and Neuels name,
    Is of no litle force if I command,
    Then let vs ioyne all three in one for this,
    That good Duke Humphrey may his state possesse,
    211.1But wherefore weepes Warwicke my noble sonne.
    VVarw. For griefe that all is lost that VVarwick won.
    Sonnes. Anioy and Maine, both giuen away at once,
    Why VVarwick did win them, & must that then which we wonne
    211.5 with our swords, be giuen away with wordes.
    Yorke. As I haue read, our Kinges of England were woont to
    haue large dowries with their wiues, but our King Henry
    giues away his owne.
    Sals. Come sonnes away and looke vnto the maine.
    VVar. Vnto the Maine, Oh father Maine is lost,
    Which VVarwicke by maine force did win from France,
    Maine chance father you meant, but I meant Maine,
    Which I will win from France, or else be slaine.
    225Exet Salsbury and Warwicke.
    Yorke. Anioy and Maine, both giuen vnto the French,
    Cold newes for me, for I had hope of France,
    250Euen as I haue of fertill England.
    A day will come when Yorke shall claime his owne,
    And therefore I will take the Neuels parts,
    And make a show of loue to proud Duke Humphrey:
    And vvhen I spie aduantage, claime the Crovvne,
    255For thats the golden marke I seeke to hit:
    The first part of the contention of the two famous
    Nor shall proud Lancaster vsurpe my right,
    Nor hold the scepter in his childish fist,
    Nor vveare the Diademe vpon his head,
    Whose church-like humours fits not for a Crovvne:
    260Then Yorke be still a vvhile till time do serue,
    Watch thou, and vvake vvhen others be asleepe,
    To prie into the secrets of the state,
    Till Henry surfeiting in ioyes of loue,
    With his nevv bride, and Englands dear bought queene,
    265And Humphrey vvith the Peeres be falne at iarres,
    Then vvill I raise aloft the milke-vvhite Rose,
    With vvhose svveete smell the aire shall be perfumde,
    And in my Standard beare the Armes of Yorke,
    To graffle vvith the House of Lancaster:
    270And force perforce, ile make him yeeld the Crovvne,
    Whose bookish rule hath puld faire England dovvne.
    Exet Yorke.