The most lamentable Tragedie
31293079Came I to take her from her kindreds Vault,
31303080Meaning to keepe her clo
sely at my Cell,
31313081Till I conueniently could
send to
Romeo. 31323082But when I came,
some minute ere the time
31333083Of her awakening, here vntimely lay,
31343084The Noble
Paris, and true
Romeo dead.
31353085She wakes, and I entreated her come forth
31363086And beare this worke of heauen with patience:
31373087But then a noy
se did
scare me from the Tombe,
she too de
sperate would not go with me:
31393089But as it
seemes, did violence on her
31403090Al this I know, & to the marriage her Nur
se is priuie:
31413091And if ought in this mi
scaried by my fault,
31423092Let my old life be
some houre before his time,
31433093Vnto the rigour of
st law.
31443094Prin. We
still haue knowne thee for a holy man,
Romeos man? what can he
say to this?
31463096 Balth. I brought my mai
ster newes of
Iuliets death,
31473097And then in po
ste he came from
Mantua, 31483098To this
same place. To this
same monument
31493099This Letter he early bid me giue his Father,
31503100And threatned me with death, going in the Vault,
31513101If I departed not, and left him there.
31523102Prin. Giue me the Letter, I will looke on it.
31533103Where is the Counties Page that rai
sd the Watch?
31543104Sirrah, what made your mai
ster in this place?
31553105 Boy. He came with
flowers to
strew his Ladies graue,
31563106And bid me
stand aloofe, and
so I did,
31573107Anon comes
one with light to ope the Tombe,
31583108And by and by my mai
ster drew on him,
31593109And then I ran away to call the Watch.
31603110 Prin. This Letter doth make good the Friers words,
31613111Their cour
se of Loue, the tidings of her death,
31623112And here he writes, that he did buy a poy
31633113Of a poore Pothecarie, and therewithall,
31643114Came to this Vault, to die and lye with
Iuliet. 31653115Where be the
se enemies?
Capulet, Mountague?