The most lamentable Tragedie
15071483Tibalt, you ratcatcher, will you walke?
15081484Tib. What would
st thou haue with me?
15091485 M. Good King of Cats, nothing but one of your nine liues,
15101486that I meane to make bold withall, and as you
shall v
se mee
15111487hereafter drie beate the re
st of the eight. Will you plucke your
15121488sword out of his pilcher by the eares? Make ha
ste, lea
st mine be
15151491Rom. Gentle
Mercutio, put thy Rapier vp.
15171493Rom. Draw
Benuolio, beate downe their weapons,
15181494Gentlemen, for
shame forbeare this outrage,
15191495Tibalt,Mercutio, the Prince expre
sly hath
15201496Forbid this bandying in
Verona streetes,
15241500A plague a both hou
ses, I am
15271503Mer. I, I, a
scratch, a
scratch, marrie tis inough,
15281504Where is my Page? go villaine, fetch a Surgion.
15291505Ro. Courage man, the hurt cannot be much.
15301506 Mer. No tis not
so deepe as a well, nor
so wide as a Church
15311507doore, but tis inough, twill
serue: aske for me to morrow, and you
finde me a graue man. I am peppered I warrant, for this
15331509world, a plague a both your hou
sounds a dog, a rat, a mou
15341510a cat, to
scratch a man to death: a braggart, a rogue, a villaine,
fights by the booke of arithmatick, why the deule came you
15361512betweene vs? I was hurt vnder your arme.
15391514Mer. Helpe me into
some hou