of Romeo and Iuliet.
shall be, to
strew thy graue and weepe.
28702824The Boy giues warning,
something doth approach,
28712825What cur
sed foote wanders this way to night,
28722826To cro
sse my ob
sequies and true loues right?
28732827What with a Torch? mu
ffle me night a while.
28752829Ro. Giue me that mattocke and the wrenching Iron,
28762830Hold take this Letter, early in the morning
28772831See thou deliuer it to my Lord and Father,
28782832Giue me the light vpon thy life I charge thee,
28792833What ere thou heare
st or
stand all aloofe,
28802834And do not interrupt me in my cour
28812835Why I de
scend into this bed of death,
28822836Is partly to behold my Ladies face:
28832837But chie
fly to take thence from her dead
28842838A precious Ring: a Ring that I mu
st v
28852839In deare imployment, therefore hence be gone:
28862840But if thou iealous do
st returne to prie
28872841In what I farther
shall intend to doo,
28882842By heauen I will teare thee Ioynt by Ioynt,
strew this hungry Church-yard with thy lims:
28902844The time and my intents are
sauage wilde,
fierce and more inexorable farre,
28922846Then emptie Tygers, or the roaring
28932847Pet. I will be gone
sir, and not trouble ye.
28942848Ro. So
shalt thou
shew me friend
shid, take thou that,
28952849Liue and be pro
sperous, and farewell good fellow.
28962850Pet. For all this
same, ile hide me here about,
28972851His lookes I feare, and his intents I doubt.
28982852Ro. Thou dete
stable mawe, thou wombe of death,
28992853Gorg'd with the deare
st mor
sell of the earth:
29002854Thus I enforce thy rotten Iawes to open,
29012855And in de
spight ile cram thee with more foode.
29022856Pa. This is that bani
sht haughtie
Mountague, 29032857That murdred my loues Cozin, with which greefe
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