of Romeo and Iuliet.
23442306On Thur
sday next be married to this Countie.
23452307Iu. Tell me not Frier, that thou heare
st of this,
sse thou tell me, how I may preuent it:
23472309If in thy wi
sedome thou can
st giue no helpe,
23482310Do thou but call my re
solution wi
23492311And with this knife ile helpe it pre
23502312God ioynd my heart, and
Romeos thou our hands
23512313And ere this hand by thee to
Romeos seald:
23522314Shall be the Labell to an other deed,
23532315Or my true heart with trecherous reuolt,
23542316Turne to an other, this
sley them both:
23552317Therefore out of thy long experien
st time,
23562318Giue me
some pre
sent coun
sell, or behold
23572319Twixt my extreames and me, this bloudie knife
23582320Shall play the vmpeere, arbitrating that,
23592321Which the commi
ssion of thy yeares and art,
23602322Could to no i
ssue of true honour bring:
23612323Be not
so long to
speake, I long to die,
23622324If what thou
speake not of remedie.
23632325Fri. Hold daughter, I do
spie a kind of hope,
23642326Which craues as de
sperate an execution,
23652327As that is de
sperate which we would preuent.
23662328If rather then to marrie Countie
Paris 23672329Thou ha
st the
strength of will to
stay thy
23682330Then is it likely thou wilt vndertake
23692331A thing like death to chide away this
23702332That coap
st with death, him
selfe to
scape from it:
23712333And if thou dare
st, Ile giue thee remedie.
23722334Iu. Oh bid me leape, rather then marrie
Paris, 23732335From of the battlements of any Tower,
23742336Or walke in theeui
sh wayes, or bid me lurke
23752337Where Serpents are: chaine me with roaring Beares,
23762338Or hide me nightly in a Charnel hou
23772339Orecouerd quite with dead mens ratling bones,
23782340With reekie
shanks and yealow chapels
23792341Or bid me go into a new made graue,
23802342And hide me with a dead man in his,
I 3 Things