The most lamentable Tragedie
241261The precious trea
sure of his eye-
sight lo
242262Shew me a mi
sse that is pa
ssing faire,
243263What doth her bewtie
serue but as a note,
244264Where I may reade who pa
st that pa
ssing faire:
245265Farewel, thou can
st not teach me to forget,
246266Ben. Ile pay that do
ctrine, or el
se die in debt.
Exeunt. 247267 Enter Capulet, Countie Paris, and the Clowne. 248268Capu. But
Mountague is bound as well as I,
249269In penaltie alike, and tis not hard I thinke,
250270For men
so old as we to keepe the peace.
251271Par. Of honourable reckoning are you both,
252272And pittie tis, you liu'd at ods
so long:
253273But now my Lord, what
say you to my
254274Capu. But
saying ore what I haue
said before,
255275My child is yet a
straunger in the world,
256276Shee hath not
seene the chaunge of fourteen yeares,
257277Let two more Sommers wither in their pride,
258278Ere we may thinke her ripe to be a bride.
259279 Pari. Younger then
she, are happie mothers made.
260280Capu. And too
soone mard are tho
so early made:
261281Earth hath
swallowed all my hopes but
262282Shees the hopefull Lady of my earth:
263283But wooe her gentle
Paris, get her hart,
264284My will to her con
sent, is but a part.
shee agreed, within her
scope of choi
266286Lyes my con
sent, and faire according voyce:
267287This night I hold, an old accu
stomd fea
268288Whereto I haue inuited many a gue
269289Such as I loue, and you among the
270290One more, mo
st welcome makes my number more:
271291At my poore hou
se, looke to behold this night,
starres, that make darke heauen light:
273293Such comfort as do lu
stie young men feele,
274294When well appareld Aprill on the heele,
275295Of limping winter treads, euen
such delight
276296Among fre
sh fennell buds
shall you this night
277297Inherit at my hou
se, heare all, all