of Romeo and Iuliet.
13971376That one
short minute giues me in her
13981377Do thou but clo
se our hands with holy words,
13991378Then loue-deuouring death do what he dare,
14001379It is inough I may but call her mine.
14011380Fri. The
se violent delights haue violent endes,
14021381And in their triumph die like
fier and powder:
14031382Which as they ki
sse con
sume. The
st honey
14041383Is loath
some in his owne deliciou
14051384And in the ta
ste confoundes the appetite.
14061385Therefore loue moderately, long loue doth
swift arriues, as tardie as too
14091388Here comes the Lady, Oh
so light a foote
14101389Will nere weare out the euerla
14111390A louer may be
stride the go
14121391That ydeles in the wanton
sommer ayre,
14131392And yet not fall,
so light is vanitie.
14141393Iu. Good euen to my gho
stly confe
14151394 Fri. Romeo shall thanke thee daughter for vs both.
14161395Iu. As much to him, el
se is his thankes too much.
14171396Ro. Ah
Iuliet, if the mea
sure of thy ioy
14181397Be heapt like mine, and that thy skill be more
14191398To bla
son it, then
sweeten with thy breath
14201399This neighbour ayre and let rich mu
sicke tongue,
14211400Vnfold the imagind happines that both
14221401Receiue in either, by this deare encounter.
14231402Iu. Conceit more rich in matter then in words,
14241403Brags of his
stance, not of ornament,
14251404They are but beggers that can count their worth,
14261405But my true loue is growne to
such exce
14271406I cannot
sum vp
sum of halfe my wealth.
14281407 Fri. Come, come with me, and we will make
(worke. 14291408For by your leaues, you
shall not
stay alone,
14301409Till holy Church incorporate two in one.
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