The most lamentable Tragedie
23082269Now do you know the rea
son of this ha
23092270Fri. I would I knew not why it
should be
sir, here comes the Lady toward my Cell.
23122273Pa. Happily met my Lady and my wife.
23132274Iu. That maybe
sir, when I may be a wife.
23142275Pa. That may be, mu
st be loue, on Thur
sday next.
23172278Par. Come you to make confe
ssion to this Father?
23182279Iu. To aun
swere that, I
should confe
sse to you.
23192280Pa. Do not denie to him, that you loue me.
23202281Iu. I will confe
sse to you that I loue him.
23212282Par. So will ye, I am
sure that you loue me.
23222283Iu. If I do
so, it will be of more price,
spoke behind your backe, then to your face.
23242285Par. Poor
soule thy face is much abu
sde with tears.
23252286Iu. The teares haue got
small vi
ctorie by that,
23262287For it was bad inough before their
23272288Pa. Thou wrong
st it more then tears with that report.
23282289Iu. That is no
sir, which is a truth,
23292290And what I
spake, I
spake it to my face.
23302291Pa. Thy face is mine, and thou ha
st slandred it.
23312292Iu. It may be
so, for it is not mine owne.
23322293Are you at lei
sure, holy Father now,
shall I come to you at euening Ma
23342295Fri. My lei
serues me pen
siue daughter now,
23352296My Lord we mu
st entreate the time alone.
23362297Par. God
shield, I
should di
sturbe deuotion,
23372298Iuliet, on Thur
sday early will I row
se yee,
23382299Till then adue, and keepe this holy ki
23392301Iu. O
shut the doore, and when thou ha
st done
23402302Come weepe with me, pa
st hope, pa
st care, pa
st help.
23412303Fri. O
Iuliet I already know thy greefe,
straines me pa
st the compa
sse of my wits,
23432305I heare thou mu
st, and nothing may prorogue it,