The most lamentable Tragedie
29042858It is
sed the faire creature died,
29052859And here is come to do
some villainous
29062860To the dead bodies: I will apprehend him,
29072861Stop thy vnhallowed toyle vile
Mountague: 29082862Can vengeance be pur
sued further then death?
29092863Condemned villaine, I do apprehend thee,
29102864Obey and go with me, for thou mu
st die.
29112865Rom. I mu
st indeed, and therefore came I hither,
29122866Good gentle youth tempt not a de
sprate man,
29132867Flie hence and leaue me, thinke vpon the
se gone,
29142868Let them a
ffright thee. I be
seech thee youth,
29152869Put not an other
sin vpon my head,
29162870By vrging me to furie, ô be gone,
29172871By heauen I loue thee better then my
29182872For I come hither armde again
st my
29192873Stay not, begone, liue, and hereafter
29202874A mad mans mercie bid thee run away.
29212875Par. I do de
fie thy commiration,
29222876And apprehend thee for a Fellon here.
29232877Ro. Wilt thou prouoke me? then haue at thee boy.
29242878O Lord they fight, I will go call the Watch. 29252879Par. O I am
slaine, if thou be mercifull,
29262880Open the Tombe, lay me with
Iuliet. 29272881Rom. In faith I will, let me peru
se this face,
29282882Mercutios kin
sman, Noble Countie
Paris, 29292883What
said my man, when my beto
29302884Did not attend him as we rode? I thinke
29312885He told me
Paris should haue married
Iuliet, 29322886Said he not
so? or did I dreame it
29332887Or am I mad, hearing him talke of
Iuliet, 29342888To thinke it was
so? O giue me thy hand,
29352889One writ with me in
sowre misfortunes booke,
29362890Ile burie thee in a triumphant graue.
29372891A Graue, O no. A Lanthorne
slaughtred youth:
29382892For here lies
Iuliet, and her bewtie makes
29392893This Vault a fea
sting pre
sence full of light.