The most lamentable Tragedie
26102566 Fa. Death that hath tane her
hēce to make me waile
26112567Ties vp my tongue and will not let me
26132569Fri. Come, is the Bride ready to go to Church?
26142570Fa. Ready to go but neuer to returne.
sonne, the night before thy wedding day
26162572Hath death laine with thy wife, there
she lies,
26172573Flower as
she was, de
flowred by him,
26182574Death is my
sonne in law, death is my heire,
26192575My daughter he hath wedded. I will die,
26202576And leaue him all life liuing, all is deaths.
26212577 Par. Haue I thought loue to
see this mornings face,
26222578And doth it giue me
such a
sight as this?
26232579Mo. Accur
st, vnhappie, wretched hatefull day,
st mi
serable houre that ere time
26252581In la
sting labour of his Pilgrimage,
26262582But one poore one, one poore and louing child,
26272583But one thing to reioyce and
solace in,
26282584And cruell death hath catcht it from my
26292585Nur. O wo, O wofull, wofull, wofull day,
st lamentable day, mo
st wofull day
26312587That euer, euer, I did yet bedold.
26322588O day, O day, O day, O hatefull day,
26332589Neuer was
so blacke a day as this,
26352591 Par. Beguild, diuorced, wronged,
st dete
stable death, by thee beguild,
26372593By cruell, cruell, thee quite ouerthrowne,
26382594O loue, O life, not life, but loue in death.
26392595Fat. De
sde, di
ssed, hated, martird, kild,
26402596Vncomfortable time, why cam
st thou now,
26412597To murther, murther, our
26422598O childe, O childe, my
soule and not my childe,
26432599Dead art thou, alacke my child is dead,
26442600And with my child my ioyes are buried.
Fri. Peace