The excellent Tragedie
23121739Par:Welcome my loue, my Lady and my wife:
23131740Iu:That may be
sir, when I may be a wife,
23141741Par:That may be, mu
st be loue, on thur
sday next.
23171744Par:What come ye to confe
ssion to this Fryer.
23181745Iu:To tell you that were to confe
sse to you.
23191746Par:Do not deny to him that you loue me.
23201747Iul:I will confe
sse to you that I loue him,
23211748Par:So I am
sure you will that you loue me.
23221749Iu:And if I doe, it wilbe of more price,
spoke behinde your backe, than to your face.
soule thy face is much abu
s'd with teares.
23251752Iu:The teares haue got
small vi
ctory by that,
23261753For it was bad enough before their
23271754Par:Thou wrong
st it more than teares by that report.
23281755Iu:That is no wrong
sir, that is a truth:
23291756And what I
spake I
spake it to my face.
23301757Par:Thy face is mine and thou ha
st slaundred it.
23311758Iu:It may be
so, for it is not mine owne.
23321759Are you at lea
sure holy Father now:
shall I come to you at euening Ma
23341761Fr:My lea
serues me pen
siue daughter now.
23351762My Lord we mu
st entreate the time alone.
sheild I
should di
sturbe deuotion,
uliet farwell, and keep this holy ki
shut the doore and when thou ha
st done
23401767Come weepe with me that am pa
st cure, pa
st help,
23411768Fr:Ah I
uliet I already know thy griefe,
23431769I heare thou mu
st and nothiug may proroge it,