of Romeo and Iuliet.
696520her daughter that you talkt withall, I tell you, he that can 697521lay hold of her shall haue the chinkes. 699522Rom: Is
she a
Mountague? Oh deare account,
700523My life is my foes thrall.
703524Ca: Nay gentlemen prepare not to be gone,
704525We haue a tri
fling fooli
sh banquet towards.
705527I pray you let me intreat you. Is it
706528Well then I thanke you hone
st Gentlemen,
706.1529I promi
se you but for your company,
706.2530I would haue bin a bed an houre agoe:
711533Iul: Nur
se, what is yonder Gentleman?
712534Nur: The sonne and heire of old Tiberio.
713535Iul: Whats he that now is going out of dore?
714536Nur: That as I thinke is yong Petruchio.
715537Iul: Whats he that followes there that would not
(dance? 717539Iul: Goe learne his name, if he be maried,
718540My graue is like to be my wedding bed.
719541Nur: His name is Romeo
and a Mountague,
the onely 720542sonne of your great enemie. 721543Iul: My onely Loue
sprung from my onely hate,
722544Too early
seene vnknowne, and knowne too late:
723545Prodigious birth of loue is this to me,
724546That I
should loue a loathed enemie.
725547Nurse: Whats this? whats that? 726548Iul: Nothing Nur
se but a rime I learnt euen now of
730550Nurse: Come your mother staies for you, Ile goe a long [C4] Enter