of Romeo and Iuliet.
26181947Death is my Sonne in Law, to him I giue all that I haue.
26211948Par:Haue I thought long to
see this mornings face,
26221949And doth it now pre
such prodegies?
st, vnhappy, mi
serable man,
2623.41954O heauens,O nature,wherefore did you make me,
2623.51955To liue
so vile,
so wretched as I
2623.61956Cap:O heere
she lies that was our hope, our ioy,
2623.71957And being dead, dead
sorrow nips vs all.
2623.81958All at once cry out and wring their hands
2623.91959All cry:All our ioy, and all our hope is dead,
2623.141964Depriude of
sence, of life, of all by death,
2623.211971Moth:O woe, alacke, di
st, why
should I liue?
26451976Fr:O peace for
shame, if not for charity.
2645.11977Your daughter liues in peace and happines,
I2 Come