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  • Title: Romeo and Juliet (Quarto 1, 1597)
  • Editor: Roger Apfelbaum
  • ISBN: 1-55058-299-2

    Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Editor: Roger Apfelbaum
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Romeo and Juliet (Quarto 1, 1597)

    of Romeo and Iuliet.

    wakd thy dogge that laye a sleepe in the Sunne ? With a
    Taylor for wearing his new dublet before Easter: and
    with another for tying his new shoes with olde ribands.
    And yet thou wilt forbid me of quarrelling.
    1460Ben: By my head heere comes a Capolet.

    1465Enter Tybalt.
    Mer: By my heele I care not.
    Tyb: Gentlemen a word with one of you.
    1470Mer: But one word with one of vs? You had best couple
    it with somewhat,and make it a word and a blow.
    Tyb: I am apt enough to that if I have occasion.
    Mer: Could you not take occasion?
    Tyb: Mercutio thou consorts with Romeo?
    Mer: Consort Zwounes consort? the slave wil make fid-
    lers of vs. If you doe sirra, look for nothing but discord: For
    heeres my fiddle-sticke.

    Enter Romeo.
    Tyb: Well peace be with you, heere comes my man.
    Mer: But Ile be hanged if he weare your lyuery: Mary
    1490go before into the field, and he may be your follower, so in
    that sence your worship may call him man.
    Tyb: Romeo the hate I beare to thee can affoord no bet-
    ter words then these, thou art a villaine.
    Rom: Tybalt the loue I beare to thee, doth excuse the
    1495appertaining rage to such a word: villaine am I none, ther-
    fore I well perceiue thou knowst me not.
    Tyb: Bace boy this cannot serue thy turne, and therefore
    1500Ro: I doe protest I neuer iniured thee, but loue thee bet-
    ter than thou canst deuise, till thou shalt know the reason of
    my loue.
    1505Mer: O dishonorable vile submission. Allastockado caries
    it away. You Ratcatcher, come backe, come backe.
    Tyb: What wouldest with me?
    F Mer: