of Romeo and Iuliet.
447328Clowne: Maddam you are cald for, supper is readie, 448329the Nurce curst in the Pantrie, all thinges in extreamitie, 449330make hast for I must be gone to waite. 454331Enter Maskers with Romeo and a Page. 456332Ro: What
shall this
speech bee
spoke for our excu
shall we on without Apologie.
458334Benuoleo: The date is out of
such prolixitie,
459335Weele haue no
Cupid hudwinckt with a Scarfe,
460336Bearing a
Tartars painted bow of lath,
461337Scaring the Ladies like a crow-keeper
: 461.1338Nor no without booke Prologue faintly
461.2339After the Prompter, for our entrance.
462340But let them mea
sure vs by what they will,
463341Weele mea
sure them a mea
sure and be gone.
464342Rom: A torch for me I am not for this aumbling,
465343Beeing but heauie I will beare the light.
466344Mer: Beleeue me
Romeo I mu
st haue you daunce.
467345Rom: Not I beleeue me you haue dancing
468346With nimble
soles, I have a
soule of lead
stakes me to the ground I cannot
482348Mer: Giue me a ca
se to put my vi
sage in,
483349A vi
sor for a vi
sor, what care I
484350What curious eye doth coate deformitie.
488351Rom: Giue me a Torch, let wantons light of hart
489352Tickle the
senceles ru
shes with their heeles
: 490353For I am prouerbd with a Grand
sire phra
491354Ile be a candleholder and looke on,
492355The game was nere
so faire and I am done.
493356Mer: Tut dun's the mou
se, the Cun
stables old word,
494357If thou bee
st Dun, weele draw thee from the mire
495358Of this
surreuerence loue wherein thou
496359Leaue this talke, we burne day light here.
C Rom: Nay