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  • Title: Romeo and Juliet (Quarto 1, 1597)
  • Editor: Roger Apfelbaum
  • ISBN: 1-55058-299-2

    Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Editor: Roger Apfelbaum
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Romeo and Juliet (Quarto 1, 1597)

    of Romeo and Iuliet.

    3141.1By me, or by my meanes let my old life
    Be sacrificd some houre before his time.
    To the most strickest rigor of the Law.
    Pry:We still haue knowne thee for a holy man,
    3145Wheres Romeos man, what can he say in this?
    Balth:I brought my maister word that shee was dead,
    And then he poasted straight from Mantua,
    Vnto this Toombe. These Letters he deliuered me,
    Charging me early giue them to his Father.
    Prin:Lets see the Letters, I will read them ouer.
    Where is the Counties Boy that calld the Watch?
    3155Boy:I brought my Master vnto Iuliets graue,
    But one approaching, straight I calld my Master.
    At last they fought, I ran to call the Watch.
    3158.1And this is all that I can say or know.
    3160Prin:These letters doe make good the Fryers wordes,
    3165Come Capolet, and come olde Mountagewe.
    Where are these enemies? see what hate hath done,
    3170Cap:Come brother Mountague giue me thy hand,
    There is my daughters dowry: for now no more
    Can I bestowe on her, thats all I haue.
    Moun:But I will giue them more, I will erect
    Her statue of pure golde:
    3175That while Verona by that name is knowne.
    There shall no statue of such price be set,
    As that of Romeos loued Iuliet.
    Cap:As rich shall Romeo by his Lady lie,
    Poore Sacrifices to our Enmitie.
    3180Prin:A gloomie peace this day doth with it bring.
    Come, let vs hence,
    To haue more talke of these sad things.
    Some shall be pardoned and some punished:
    For nere was heard a Storie of more woe,
    3185Than this of Iuliet and her Romeo.
