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  • Title: Romeo and Juliet (Quarto 1, 1597)
  • Editor: Roger Apfelbaum
  • ISBN: 1-55058-299-2

    Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Editor: Roger Apfelbaum
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Romeo and Juliet (Quarto 1, 1597)

    Enter Benuolio, Mercutio.
    Ben: I pree thee good Mercutio lets retire,
    The day is hot, the Capels are abroad.
    Mer: Thou art like one of those, that when hee comes
    into the confines of a tauerne, claps me his rapier on the
    boord, and sayes, God send me no need of thee: and by
    the operation of the next cup of wine, he drawes it on the
    1440drawer, when indeed there is no need.
    Ben: Am I like such a one?
    Mer: Go too, thou art as hot a Iacke being mooude,
    and as soone mooude to be moodie, and as soone moodie to
    be mooud.
    1445Ben: And what too?
    Mer: Nay, and there were two such, wee should haue
    none shortly. Didst not thou fall out with a man for crack-
    1450ing of nuts, hauing no other reason, but because thou hadst
    hasill eyes? what eye but such an eye would haue pickt out
    such a quarrell? With another for coughing, because hee
    of Romeo and Iuliet.
    wakd thy dogge that laye a sleepe in the Sunne ? With a
    Taylor for wearing his new dublet before Easter: and
    with another for tying his new shoes with olde ribands.
    And yet thou wilt forbid me of quarrelling.
    1460Ben: By my head heere comes a Capolet.
    1465Enter Tybalt.
    Mer: By my heele I care not.
    Tyb: Gentlemen a word with one of you.
    1470Mer: But one word with one of vs? You had best couple
    it with somewhat,and make it a word and a blow.
    Tyb: I am apt enough to that if I have occasion.
    Mer: Could you not take occasion?
    Tyb: Mercutio thou consorts with Romeo?
    Mer: Consort Zwounes consort? the slave wil make fid-
    lers of vs. If you doe sirra, look for nothing but discord: For
    heeres my fiddle-sticke.
    Enter Romeo.
    Tyb: Well peace be with you, heere comes my man.
    Mer: But Ile be hanged if he weare your lyuery: Mary
    1490go before into the field, and he may be your follower, so in
    that sence your worship may call him man.
    Tyb: Romeo the hate I beare to thee can affoord no bet-
    ter words then these, thou art a villaine.
    Rom: Tybalt the loue I beare to thee, doth excuse the
    1495appertaining rage to such a word: villaine am I none, ther-
    fore I well perceiue thou knowst me not.
    Tyb: Bace boy this cannot serue thy turne, and therefore
    1500Ro: I doe protest I neuer iniured thee, but loue thee bet-
    ter than thou canst deuise, till thou shalt know the reason of
    my loue.
    1505Mer: O dishonorable vile submission. Allastockado caries
    it away. You Ratcatcher, come backe, come backe.
    Tyb: What wouldest with me?
    F Mer:
    The excellent Tragedie
    Mer: Nothing King of Cates, but borrow one of your
    1510nine liues, therefore come drawe your rapier out of your
    scabard, least mine be about your eares ere you be aware.
    1515Rom: Stay Tibalt, hould Mercutio: Benuolio beate
    downe their weapons.
    1517.1Tibalt under Romeos arme thrusts Mer-
    cutio, in and flyes.
    Mer: Is he gone, hath hee nothing? A poxe on your
    Rom: What art thou hurt man, the wound is not deepe.
    1530Mer: Noe not so deepe as a Well, nor so wide as a
    barne doore, but it will serue I warrant. What meant you to
    come betweene vs? I was hurt vnder your arme.
    Rom: I did all for the best.
    1540Mer: A poxe of your houses, I am fairely drest. Sirra
    goe fetch me a Surgeon.
    1528.1Boy: I goe my Lord.
    Mer: I am pepperd for this world, I am sped yfaith, he
    hath made wormes meate of me, & ye aske for me to mor-
    row you shall finde me a graue-man. A poxe of your houses,
    1542.1I shall be fairely mounted vpon foure mens shoulders: For
    your house of the Mountegues and the Capolets: and then
    some peasantly rogue, some Sexton, some base slave shall
    write my Epitapth, that Tybalt came and broke the Princes
    1542.5Lawes,and Mercutio was slaine for the first and second
    cause. Wher's the Surgeon?
    Boy: Hee's come sir.
    Mer: Now heele keepe a mumbling in my guts on the
    other side, come Benuolio, lend me thy hand: a poxe of your
    1542.10houses. Exeunt
    Rom: This Gentleman the Princes neere Alie.
    My very frend hath tane this mortall wound
    1545In my behalfe, my reputation staind
    With Tibalts slaunder, Tybalt that an houre
    Hath beene my kinsman. Ah Iuliet
    of Romeo and Iuliet.
    Thy beautie makes me thus effeminate,
    And in my temper softens valors steele.
    1550Enter Benuolio.
    Ben: Ah Romeo Romeo braue Mercutio is dead,
    That gallant spirit hath aspir'd the cloudes,
    Which too vntimely scornd the lowly earth.
    Rom: This daies black fate,on more daies doth depend
    1555This but begins what other dayes must end.
    Enter Tibalt.
    Ben: Heere comes the furious Tibalt backe againe.
    Rom: A liue in tryumph and Mercutio slaine?
    Away to heauen respectiue lenity:
    1560And fier eyed fury be my conduct now.
    Now Tibalt take the villaine backe againe,
    Which late thou gau'st me: for Mercutios soule,
    Is but a little way aboue the cloudes,
    And staies for thine to beare him company.
    1565Or thou, or I, or both shall follow him.
    Fight, Tibalt falles.
    1570Ben: Romeo away, thou seest that Tibalt's slaine,
    The Citizens approach, away, begone
    Thou wilt be taken.
    Rom: Ah I am fortunes slaue.
    Enter Citizens.
    Watch: Wher's he that slue Mercutio, Tybalt that vil-
    1580Ben: There is that Tybalt.
    F2 Watch: Vp
    The excellent Tragedie
    Vp sirra goe with vs.
    Enter Prince, Capolets wife.
    1585Pry: Where be the vile beginners of this fray?
    Ben: Ah Noble Prince I can discouer all
    The most vnlucky mannage of this brawle.
    Heere lyes the man slaine by yong Romeo,
    That slew thy kinsman braue Mercutio,
    1590M: Tibalt, Tybalt, O my brothers child,
    Vnhappie fight? Ah the blood is spilt
    Of my deare kinsman, Prince as thou art true:
    For blood of ours, shed bloud of Mountagew.
    1595Pry: Speake Benuolio who began this fray?
    Ben: Tibalt heere slaine whom Romeos hand did slay.
    Romeo who spake him fayre bid him bethinke
    How nice the quarrell was.
    1598.1But Tibalt still persisting in his wrong,
    The stout Mercutio drewe to calme the storme,
    Which Romeo seeing cal'd stay Gentlemen,
    And on me cry'd, who drew to part their strife,
    1598.5And with his agill arme yong Romeo,
    As fast as tung cryde peace, fought peace to make.
    While they were enterchanging thrusts and blows,
    Vnder yong Romeos laboring arme to part,
    The furious Tybalt cast an enuious thrust,
    That rid the life of stout Mercutio.
    With that he fled, but presently return'd,
    1614.1And with his rapier braued Romeo:
    1615That had but newly entertain'd reuenge,
    And ere I could draw forth my rapyer
    To part their furie, downe did Tybalt fall,
    And this way Romeo fled.
    1620M: He is a Mountagew and speakes partiall,
    Some twentie of them fought in this blacke strife:
    And all those twenty could but kill one life.
    I doe
    of Romeo and Iuliet.
    I doo intreate sweete Prince thoult iustice giue,
    1625Romeo slew Tybalt, Romeo may not liue.
    Prin: And for that offence
    Immediately we doo exile him hence.
    I have an interest in your hates proceeding,
    My blood for your rude braules doth lye a bleeding.
    1635But Ile amerce you with so large a fine,
    That you shall all repent the losse of mine.
    I will be deafe to pleading and excuses,
    Nor teares nor prayers shall purchase for abuses.
    1638.1Pittie shall dwell and gouerne with vs still:
    Mercie to all but murdrers, pardoning none that kill.
    Exeunt omnes.