of Romeo and Iuliet.
1243979Nur: Marry farewell. Pray what
saucie merchant was
1244980this that was
so full of his roperipe?
1245981Rom: A gentleman Nur
se that loues to heare him
1246982talke, and will
speake more in an houre than hee will
1248984Nur: If hee
stand to anie thing again
st mee, Ile take
1249985him downe if he were lu
stier than he is: if I cannot take him
1250986downe, Ile
finde them that
shall: I am none of his
1251987gills,I am none of his
skaines mates.
1252989And thou like a knaue mu
st stand by, and
see euerie Iacke
1254991Pet: I
see no bodie v
se you at his plea
sure, if I had, I
soone haue drawen: you know my toole is as
1256993out as anothers if I
see time and place.
1258994Nur: Now afore God he hath
so vext me, that euerie
1259995member about me quivers:
scuruie Iacke. But as I
said, my
1260996Ladie bad me
seeke ye out, and what
shee bad me tell yee,
1261997that Ile keepe to my
selfe: but if you
should lead her into a
1262998fooles paradice as they
saye, it were a verie gro
sse kinde of
1263999behauiour as they
say, for the Gentlewoman is yong. Now
12651000if you
should deale doubly with her, it were verie weake
12661001dealing, and not to be o
ffered to anie Gentlewoman.
12671002Rom: Nur
se, commend me to thy Ladie, tell her I pro-
12691004Nur: Goodheart: yfaith Ile tell her
so: oh
she will be
12711006Rom: Why, what wilt thou tell her?
12731007Nur: That you doo prote
st: which (as I take it) is a
12751009Rom: Bid her get leaue to morrow morning
12761010To come to
shrift to Frier
Laurence cell:
stay thou Nur
se behinde the Abbey wall,
12821012My man
shall come to thee, and bring along
12831013The cordes, made like a tackled
12841014Which to the hightop-gallant of my ioy
E3 Must