Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Roger Apfelbaum
Not Peer Reviewed

Romeo and Juliet (Quarto 1, 1597)

The excellent Tragedie

Enter Paris.

2310Here comes the Lady to my cell,
Par:Welcome my loue, my Lady and my wife:
Iu:That may be sir, when I may be a wife,
Par:That may be, must be loue, on thursday next.
2315Iu:What must be shalbe.
Fr:Thats a certaine text.
Par:What come ye to confession to this Fryer.
Iu:To tell you that were to confesse to you.
Par:Do not deny to him that you loue me.
2320Iul:I will confesse to you that I loue him,
Par:So I am sure you will that you loue me.
Iu:And if I doe, it wilbe of more price,
Being spoke behinde your backe, than to your face.
Par:Poore soule thy face is much abus'd with teares.
2325Iu:The teares haue got small victory by that,
For it was bad enough before their spite.
Par:Thou wrongst it more than teares by that report.
Iu:That is no wrong sir, that is a truth:
And what I spake I spake it to my face.
2330Par:Thy face is mine and thou hast slaundred it.
Iu:It may be so, for it is not mine owne.
Are you at leasure holy Father now:
Or shall I come to you at euening Masse?
Fr:My leasure serues me pensiue daughter now.
2335My Lord we must entreate the time alone.
Par:God sheild I should disturbe deuotion,
Iuliet farwell, and keep this holy kisse.
Exit Paris.

Iu:Goe shut the doore and when thou hast done so,
2340Come weepe with me that am past cure, past help,
Fr:Ah Iuliet I already know thy griefe,
I heare thou must and nothiug may proroge it,