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- Edition: Pericles
Pericles, Prince of Tyre (Quarto)
- Texts of this edition
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769Enter the King and Knights from Tilting.
771I place vpon the volume of your deedes,
772As in a Title page, your worth in armes,
775Prepare for mirth, for mirth becomes a Feast.
776You are Princes, and my guestes.
778To whom this Wreath of victorie I giue,
779And crowne you King of this dayes happinesse.
780Peri. Tis more by Fortune (Lady) then my Merit.
781King. Call it by what you will, the day is your,
782And here (I hope) is none that enuies it:
783In framing an Artist, art hath thus decreed,
784To make some good, but others to exceed,
786For (Daughter) so you are; heere take your place:
790For who hates honour, hates the Gods aboue.
791Marshal. Sir, yonder is your place.
794Haue neither in our hearts, nor outward eyes,
796Peri. You are right courtious Knights.
798By Ioue (I wonder) that is King of thoughts,
800Tha. By Iuno (that is Queene of mariage)
803Kin. Hee's but a countrie Gentleman: ha's done no more
804Then other Knights haue done, ha's broken a Staffe,
808Which tels in that glory once he was,
809Had Princes sit like Starres about his Throane,
810And hee the Sunne for them to reuerence;
811None that beheld him, but like lesser lights,
812Did vaile their Crownes to his supremacie;
813Where now his sonne like a Gloworme in the night,
814The which hath Fire in darknesse, none in light:
815Whereby I see that Time's the King of men,
816Hee's both their Parent, and he is their Graue,
817And giues them what he will, not what they craue.
818King. What, are you merry, Knights?
822Wee drinke this health to you.
823Knights. We thanke your Grace.
825As if the entertainement in our Court,
826Had not a shew might counteruaile his worth:
827Note it not you, Thaisa.
828Tha. What is't to me, my father?
829king. O attend my Daughter,
830Princes in this, should liue like Gods aboue,
831Who freely giue to euery one that come to honour them:
832And Princes not doing so, are like to Gnats,
833Which make a sound, but kild, are wondred at:
834Therefore to make his entraunce more sweet,
838He may my profer take for an offence,
839Since men take womens giftes for impudence.
843Of whence he is, his name, and Parentage?
845Peri. I thanke him.
847Peri. I thanke both him and you, and pledge him freely.
849Of whence you are, your name and parentage?
851My education beene in Artes and Armes:
852Who looking for aduentures in the world,
853Was by the rough Seas reft of Ships and men,
856A Gentleman of Tyre: who onely by misfortune of the seas,
858king. Now by the Gods, I pitty his misfortune,
859And will awake him from his melancholy.
861And waste the time which lookes for other reuels;
862Euen in your Armours as you are addrest,
863Will well become a Souldiers daunce:
866Since they loue men in armes, as well as beds.
867They daunce.
868So, this was well askt, t'was so well perform'd.
869Come sir, heer's a Lady that wants breathing too,
870And I haue heard, you Knights of Tyre,
871Are excellent in making Ladyes trippe;
872And that their Measures are as excellent.
874king. Oh that's as much, as you would be denyed
876They daunce.
877Thankes Gentlemen to all, all haue done well;
880Yours sir, we haue giuen order be next our owne.
882Princes, it is too late to talke of Loue.
883And that's the marke I know, you leuell at:
884Therefore each one betake him to his rest,