1847Li. Why, I cannot name but I
shall o
1848Ma. I cannot be o
ffended with my trade, plea
se you to
(name it. 1849Li. How long haue you bene of this profe
? 1850Ma. Ere
since I can remember.
1851Li. Did you goe too't
so young, were you a game
fiue, or at
1853Ma. Earlyer too Sir, if now I bee one.
1854Ly. Why
? the hou
se you dwell in proclaimes you to
1855be a Creature of
1856Ma. Doe you knowe this hou
se to be a place of
sort, and will come intoo't? I heare
say you're of honou
- 1858rable parts, and are the Gouernour of this place.
1859Li. Why, hath your principall made knowne vnto
1861Ma. Who is my principall?
1862Li. Why, your hearbe-woman,
she that
seeds and
1863rootes of
shame and iniquitie.
1864 O you haue heard
something of my power, and
1865stand aloft for more
serious wooing, but I prote
st to thee
1866prettie one, my authoritie
shall not
see thee, or el
se looke
1867friendly vpon thee, come bring me to
some priuate place:
1869Ma. If you were borne to honour,
shew it now, if put
1870vpon you, make the iudgement good, that thought you
1872Li. How's this? how's this?
some more, be
1873Mar. For me that am a maide, though mo
st vngentle
1874Fortune haue plac't mee in this Stie , where
since I came,
ses haue beene
solde deerer then Phi
sicke, that the
1876gods would
set me free from this vnhalowed place, though
1877they did chaunge mee to the meane
st byrd that
flyes i'th
1879Li. I did not thinke thou could
st haue
so well,
1880nere dremp't thou could'
st, had I brought hither a cor
- 1881rupted minde, thy
speeche had altered it, holde, heeres